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Lordsburg, New Mexico
February 13, 2015     Hidalgo County Herald
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February 13, 2015
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4 HIDALGO COUNTY HERALD FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2015 What does love mean to me? Fourth graders in " Ms• Arredondo&apos;s class at Central El- ementary School spent some time this week exploring the word "love" and what it means to them. Following are their responses. Breanne Bivens Love means if there wasn't love there wouldn't be bff's and moms and dads, there wouldn't be your favorite teams like the Cowboys! You wouldn't like your grades you get. 4-H members attend Leadership Retreat Three members of the Hidalgo County Cotton City 4-H Club recently attended a Senior Leadership Retreat January 24-25 in Albuquerque. Rayce Wagley, Troy Pompeo and Ty Wagley attended the event, learning different leadership roles and activities while getting to meet other 4-H members from across the state of New Mexico. Photo courtesy SHANNON LASHER/Animas Philip Connors' new book launch February 16 at WNMU in Silver City Submitted by SWWORDFIESTA.ORG Philip Connors, author of Fire Season: Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout (2011), cel- ebrates the publication of his new memoir, All the Wrong Places: A Life Lost and Found, on Monday, February 16, 2015, at Light Hall, I000 W. College Street, in Silver City NM, at 7:00pm. This event launches Connors' 12-city book tour to promote "All the Wrong Places" and features Connors introducing and discussing this new work. Copies of the book will be avail- able for sale and signing. The public is invited to attend, at no charge. Amazon describes the new release as "All the Wrong Places is a searingly honest account of the aftermath of his (Connors') brother's shocking death, explor- ing both the pathos and the un- likely humor of a life unmoored by loss .... this is the story of a man paying trib- ute to the dead by uncon- sciously willing himself into all the wrong places.., this is a powerful look back at wayward years--and a re- demptive story about finding one's rightful home in the world." Connors lives and writes in Silver City and in the Aldo Leopold Wilderness. In the award winning Fire Season: Field Notes from a Wilderness Lookout (2011) he recounts his eight summers Lordsburg Schools Breakfast/Lunch Menu Monday, February 16 Thursday, February 19 NO SCHOOL PRESIDENT'S DAY Tuesday, February 17 Breakfast Peanut Butter & Jelly Jamwich Fresh Fruit Asst. Low-Fat Milk Lunch Frito Pie w/Chili Beans Corn Tossed Salad Applesauce Asst. Low-Fat Milk Wednesday, February 18 r Breakfast Mini Pancakes Fresh Fruit Fruit Juice Asst. Low-Fat Milk Lunch Stuffed Bread Sticks Garden Salad w/Tomato Wedges Marinara Sauce Pineapple Tidbits Asst. Low-FatMilk Breakfast Sausage on a Stick Fresh Fruit Fruit Juice Asst. Low-Fat Milk Lunch Turkey Ham & Cheese Hoagie Lettuce/Tomato/Pickle Spear Chips Apple Asst. Low-Fat Milk Friday, February 20 Breakfast Mini Cinni Fresh Fruit Fruit Juice Asst. Low-Fat Milk Lunch Red Cheese Enchiladas Refried Beans Spanish Rice Shredded Lettuce/Tomato Mandarin Oranges Asst. Low-Fat Milk living in solitude on a mountairt top in the forests of southwestern New Mexico. In his new memoir he tells the story of what made solitude on the mountain so in- viting and wel- come. Fire Sea- son: Field Notes from a Wilder- ness Lookout (2011) was Connors' debut creative non- fiction work and was the winner of the Banff Mountain Book Competition Grand Prize, the Na- tional Outdoor Book Award, the Reading the West Book Award, the Sigurd F. Olson Nature Writ- ing Award, and was a finalist for the Orion Book Award. The February 16 event is sponsored by the Southwest Fes- tival of the Written Word (SWFWW) and Western New Mexico University (WNMU). Connors will also speak at the 2015 Southwest Festival of the Written Word, Friday Octo- ber 2-Sunday, October 4, in his- toric downtown Silver City NM. Visit for more information on the Fes- tival. For more information on Philip Connors, visit www. Alicia Jaquez It means sticking up for each other, being truthful and being by each other's side no matter what. Preston Miller Love means I love my fam- ily, my house and most of all, my teacher Ms. A+++. She is awe- some ! Calissa Ramirez Love means to me that you have an emotion that burns with passion for loved ones such as family members. Another type of love is whenever you meet oth- ers to become family. The last kind of love is marriage vhen two souls join together for their whole lives. Dominick Laguna What love means to me is like father and son. When I think of love is like room and dad. What I think love is that like my mom, I love my morn. Gabriela Silvas Love means fiugs and when you have clothes on your body, running water, and you have food on the table. Dayton Barka Love means to hug and kiss my morn, say i love you from the heart...straight from the heart. Daniel Arvizo Love means to me that love is caring and being kind to people. The most important one, is being nice to your best friends...even people who you don't like. Emma Kemp Love means to me that love is to care and enjoy someone's time together. Love is to make sure if they fall you will pick th6m up, and love is to make sure that you will always be there for them and be nice not to be mean to them. When I say this I mean to my morn and the rest of my fam- ily. Love me... Melissa Lopez Love means to me is, that you always have the sign of love. Hidalgo countyleekyWord WNI00U ' ?'?' 57 5- 542-331 , For at, pointme,m att 575-542-8705 o eraail PORT PHOTOS Some-Day- Service at the Hidalgo County Herald-212 East Motel Drive, Lordsburg, NM By PRISCILLA PEREAIDirector Come in to the Hidalgo County Learning Center for the following services: Advising, registration, help with financial aid applications and WNMU ap- plications. Computer Lab Hours: Monday llam to 5pm Tuesday llam to 3pm Wednesday l lam to 5pm Thursday ltam to 5pm Friday llam to 12pm Office hours are from 9-5 Monday through Thursday and 9-12 on Fridays• Call (575)542- 3315 for more information. For more information, please call the Learning Center or e-mail Priscilla at ELBROCK DRILLING, LLC We , EO. Box 67 4 M oQst Crecl::orrd Animas, New Mexico 88020 (575) 548-2429 NM License #WD8O6 AZ .License #WD676 V " AZ ROC Category # C-53 Love means to have a good heart o full of love. Love means to give care and when you think of love and can see a big future ahead of you. Natalie Harvey 1. Love means to me car- ing for others, sharing your love  and loving your family, friends, teacher... Ms. A+++ Roman Murillo Love means to care about somebody. Love means to care for your family. Love also means dedicating your life to something you love. Jonathan Vera Love is when you give some- one what you want. It is when you are really nice to them and be friends. It is always special when it is love. Theresa Ruiz Love is my BFF's Brianna and Melissa. Love also means my mom and dad, my brothers Joe and Gabe, my teacher Ms. A+++ I love her so much! Hugs and kisses. Aaliya Cancio What love means to me is...It is showing care to someone spe- cial that you know, or surprising some with gifts on Valentine's Day. But, who I love is my family because we share gifts and spend time with each other. Always...because family time is loving time. Sean Ramirez Love is learning how to love each other. I love my family. And being there for other people. Brianna Garcia First on is "Art" I am really passionate because it is another way how to express feelings and art makes me feel really happy. Second, my family. I love my family because they love me and they're alwacs there for me in health and sickness. Third, I love "my dreams", my dream is to become a famous singing dancer because I want to be rec- ognized and be a someone. I love my dream because danc- ing and singing makes me feel like " I can do anything!" Bethany Collins What love means to me is when someone says "I love you". Next, it means to me is when someone gives you a hug. Also, love means to me is when someone takes care of you when you are sick. That is what love means to me. Nick Talavera Love is that you really care for them, that you like them in a different way and you have hung out with them and you like her. Like I love the swimming pool, and I love my mom and dad I ! ! Adriel Jaquez Love means to me is my morn and dad. I love them very much, they buy me a lot of stuff. I love them very much because the make good food and they are really nice to me. Ismael Alvarez What love means to me, • love means to me that you can love someone and take care of you. Also, that you can talk to one of your parents about your troubles. My favorite place is Golden Corral. That's what love means to me. !! ! ! Foster, adoptive parents needed in New Mexico Submitted by CYFD Becoming a foster or adop- tive parent can make a huge dif- ference in the life of a child. Please call Patricia Hale, CYFD Foster & Adoptive Parent Recruiter at (505) 327-5316 ext. 1123 or 505-327- 5316 for more in- formation or visit us on the web at www.cyfd, org. Se Habla Espanol Foster or Adopt a New Mexico Youth Name: Dion Age: 15 Story: Dion is an energetic young man who en- joys camping and being out- doors• He enjoys continued en- couragement to try new activities and different sports. He has dis- covered that he enjoys swim- ming, soccer, kayaking, hiking, and bike tiding. Dion is passion- ate about drawing and is a tal- ented artist. He particularly en- joys drawing Japanese anime Dion characters, watching anime car- toons, and reading books about anime characters. Dion likes ani- mals and enjoys being in a home with pets. Dion makes friends easily. He has an Individual- ized Education Plan at school and needs assistance to stay focused on his school work. He is able to do well in all subjects when he is fo- cused. Dion does receive cot]nsel- ing, and it is im- portant that it be on-going, to assist him to address is- sues from his past. Dion would do best as an only child or the youngest child in a family. Dion would like to continue to have contact with his biological fam- ily, especially his siblings. For more information about foster or adoptive parenting through the New Mexico Chil- dren, Youth and Families Depart- ment, please call 1-800-432-2075 or visit Need a New Vehicle? Buy Here, Pay Here! Credit Problems, No Credit? No Problem! Compre Aqui Page Aqui! No Credito, Mal Credito? No Problema! Please Call Me  Mary Cortez at 575-544-5576 Cell or 575-546-6595 Nobody beats a Sisbarro Deal A T, DISPOSAL, INC, For )'our Residential & Commercial needs PO Box 2222 Deming NM 880_ 1 Phone: 575-542-8708 i < Carpet € Commercial  Stucco € Tile € Residential € Cement Work € Roofing  Block Work tFences Consttuttion t00uit00ets o{ 004merita "Let us build your home." Jose Retana 320 w. Railway Ave Lordsburg, NM 88045 Office 575-542-3529 Cell 575-574-2257 License #93832 00,_uality AUTO BODY & PAIN'[ Insurance Claims , Expert Color Match Fiberglass Repair Buffing Detailing All Makes, All Models (Incldng motorcycles) FREE Estimates Lou Montenegro Wabash Street (across from McDonald's) Lordsburg, NM 88045 Call 575-741-0791 ELBROCK WATER SYSTEMS, LLC General Contractors *Pump & Windmill repair & installation *Septic Systems serviced & installed *Metal Building construction *Roofing & Concrete work West Highway 9 Edward Elbrock PO Box 5O 575-548-2429 Animas, NM 88020 Cell 575-538-1812 We now accept Mastercard & Visa SEPTIC TANK SERVICES [] Septic Tank Installation [] Septic Tank Pumping & Inspections [] Portable Toilet Rentals & Service [] Septic Tank Treatment Products Elbr0ck Water Systems, LLC BONDED & INSURED 575-548-2429 NM LIC. #81570-MS03 575-557-2291 AZ LIC. #194466-K-80