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"t I Remem b00'x ' by A
Editor's Note: Longtime
Lordsburg resident, historian,
storyteller and poet
Allen "Hook" Hill has
written hundreds of
stories and poems.
Back in the 1980's he
began writing a column
entitled "As I Remem-
ber." With his permis-
sion, these columns
have been dusted off
and will appear in the
Hidalgo County Herald Allen Hook Hill
from time to time. Hook,
who is 93, still lives in Lordsburg.
This column appeared In the
Lordsburg Liberal on June 7,
We'll get back to firearm
" 00ook Hill
r lt! n "
/ I/ .
1 3
25 27
57 59
m m
tales after a breather.
When Jamie Stillman sent
word to our son, Steve,
indicating they had a
mule in dire need of a
good home, he declined
the offer. However, she
continued to extol the
virtues of the mule to
such an extent that he fi-
nally decided to just
consider taking him.
Later he relented,
switched horses com-
pletely-no pun intended--and
accepted the mule, Jamie assured
Steve they were not interested in
just getting rid of the animal.
They wanted to let someone take
him who would really take care
of him. Steve was the man.
!4 ,
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1. One of two equal parts
2. Twelfth month of Jewish year
3. Known for gambling
4. A southern
5. "Islands in the ...... " by
Rogers and Parton
6. *Bring a date or a __ one
7. Ever, to a poet
8. Spotted bean .
9. Again
10. Target of Bay of Pigs inva-
11. Deuce topper
12. Seconds
15. Outdoor stone seating
20. Endangered species
22. Before skip and a jump
24. Resembling a human
25. *His aim is true?
26. Wombs
27. Winter wear
29. *It often accompanies #19
31. Prayer leader in mosque
32. Fluorescent red dye
33. Elvis's "Blue Shoes"
34. Distinguishing feature
36. Last piece of a loaf
38. Musical composition for one,
42. A military trainee
45. 2-unit house
49. One who's active in politics
51. *Romeo and Juliet's home-
54. Like the Addams Family
56. Established fact
57. "Put a lid __ !"
58. Hyperbolic tangent
59. What those on the lam do
60. 2 and 4, e.g.
61. *It's usually full of romantic
fare on Valentine's Day
62. Broken at finish line
63. And others, for short
64. To erase or cancel
67. "New" prefix
1. Range rovers
6. Effervescence
9. "Hamlet" has five of these
13. Heads-up
14. Hula necklace
15. Accustom
16. Relating to moon
17. Big coffee holder
18. Three-masted vessel formerly
Used nl Mediterranean
J9. *A top Valentine's Day seller
'1. *"How do I love thee? Let me
count "
23. It follows the note soh
24. *In the for love
25. Golfs Ryder __
28. Flexible mineral
30. *He officiates many wed-
35. Bryce Canyon state
37. Grannies
39. *Love in Paris
40. It distinguishes a father from
a son in French
41. Lowest deck
43. Away from port
44. Annoyed
46. Kind of pickle
47. Calf-length skirt
48. Broadband predecessor
50. Capital of Ukraine
52. Bottom line
53. Jab
55. " , borrow or steal"
57. Desdemona's suspicious hus-
61. Properly deserved
65. Innocent
66. *It's the loneliest number?
68. Egg-shaped
69. The Dow, e.g.
70. *Barbie's beau
71. Sherpa's land
72. Subsequently or soon after-
73. *I love
74. Anoint
In order to know why Steve
was the man, a person would have
to study his background only
briefly. Since he was a kid he HAD
to have animals around. My wife,
June, says the only reason he
didn't have an elephant when he
was young was there were no el-
ephants around to be had. He
hasn't changed much over the
years, except maybe he now has
to have more animals than ever.
Once a family brough t their chil-
dren over to play with Steve's kids
and after the family left for home,
one of the visiting kids said to
the mother, "Mom, when are we
going to get to come back to he
zoo again?".
Anyway, Steve went out to
get Deacon--that's the mule. The
first thing Jamie emphasized was
that Deacon was not an ordinary
mule. Indeed, she said, "Deacon
doesn't even act like a mule. In
fact,I don't think he even knows
he's a mule". That was good news
to Steve because he was some-
what experienced with mules and
their stubbornness.
Jamie went on to explain that
Deacon was a veteran of over one
thousand miles of endurance rac:
ing. To date he had met and con-
quered more seemingly impos-
sible Western endurance trails
than most mules encounter in a
lifetime. He gained national rec-
ognition during the U.S. 1976 Bi-
Centennial celebration when he
pulled a wagon from California
to the east coast, living the life of
a celebrity at every nook and
cranny of our country. He was so
celebrated that when the centen-
nial ended he was flown back to
California on a Boing 747, the
only mule known to have experi-
enced such an honor.
Well, Steve soaked in all the
acclaim given to his new friend
and formally accepted title to the
big animal, and he is huge. He
had brought along his horse
trailer and had dropped the back
ramp in anticipation of loading
Deacon and driving off. He
slipped a hackamore on his nose
and over his ears and with a stout
rope he led him toward the trailer.
Just as he walked off, Jamie
nonchalantly said, "He leads
nicely". Those were the last soft
words spoken in the area for quite
a spell.
Deacon led "nicely" until
Steve got about half way up the
ramp. It was then that he learned
considerable about the other
side--the mule side--of the
beast. Deacon began groaning
and moaning and then crying like
a baby. Steve gave him a hard gull
to try to force him up the ramp
but the mule in Deacon had com-
pletely different ideas. He turned
his head, jerked Steve off the
ramp, and at the same time took
off on a high run.
They were out in the open
and Steve didn't want the mule
to get away and necessitate a
search for him, so he hung on like
a demon possessed and went for
a ride to end all rides. That mule
drug him through the rocks and
mesquites, over ditches and
through fences, down the road, off
the road, through the trees, past
the open spaces, down through
the river bottom....then back to
the corral. Of course Steve didn't
utter a word throughout the epi-
sode. At least, not a civil word,
that is.
Back at the corral, beat and
weary, Steve finally got the mule
loaded. As he closed the back gate
and all was nearly normal again,
Jamie walked up and offered
these comforting words . "He's a
little head strong sometimes.
When he gets that way I just turn
loose of the rope and let him go".
"Now you tell me", muttered
To be continued.
hookjune @ hotmail, cam
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UNM scientist studies the authenticity of meteorites
By LENA GUIDI/New Mexico
Daily Lobo
2011, Carl Agee received a rock
in the mail from a meteorite col-
lector in Morocco. fi.t the time,
nobody knew what it was or
where it had come from. Even for
Agee, director of the University
of New Mexico's Institute for Me-
teoritics, the.
rock's origin I
remained a
mystery for
qu{te some
time. :
"This col-
lector sent it to
me because no
one knew what
it was, and it
took me
months of
analyses to fig-
ure it out,?
Agee said.
At the De-
partment of
Earth and Plan-
etary Sciences,
he tested the
rock's chemi-
cal composition, isotopic com-
position, and mineralogy to de-
termine its makeup.
"From all of those different
lines of evidence, the picture that
emerged was that it was a meteor-
ite from Mars," he said.
Now, Agee is being funded
by NASA to study the meteorite,
known as NWA 7034, or "Black
Beauty" for its dark color.
There are several reasons
why NASA is interested in Black
Beauty. Tests showed that it con-
tains 10 to 30 times more water
than any previously studied Mar-
tian sample. Agee and his team
also found that the meteorite is
composed of a variety of miner-
als, ranging from 4.4 billion to
2.1 billion years old.
"There are different frag-
ments of the Martian crust all to-
gether in the same meteorite in
addition to the water, so there's a
record of the surface processes on
Mars for about two billion years,"
Agee said.
Black Beauty is also notable,
Agee said, because jt is very simi-
lar to the rock samples that are
currently being collected by the
two rovers on Mars, which use a
robotic remote sensing technique
to identify the rocks' composi-
"Black Beauty finally forms
the first tangible meteorite link
to the rocks that NASA's rovers
are sampling in outcrops on
Mars," Agee wrote in the Univer-
sities Space Research
Association's report for the
high-pressure laboratory to
simulate the conditions of plan-
etary interiors to study the be-
havior of magma, he said.
In addition to this research,
he investigates various samples
sent to him by meteorite hunt-
ers and dealers. Most of these
samples come from Northern
Africa -- Mo-
rocco in particu-
lar, which Agee
said is the focus
of the meteorite
trade'due to its
laws that allow
them to be
bought and sold.
He said that
most rocks
found in the Sa-
hara desert sus-
pected of being
meteorites end
up there, where
they are sent out
to collectors and
Carl Agee holds up a meteorite from the collection at Northrop scientists in Eu-
Hall. Age e is currently working on updating the Meteorite Museum rope and the
for an April opening. United States.
Photo by Paul Talley, New Mexico Daily Lobo "I get
Facebook mes-
Eighth International Conference
on Mars. He notes that the mete-
orite provides insight into volca-
nic activity on the planet, Which
is one of his research specialties.
While Agee is best known for
his work in meteoritics, he was
originally trained as a geologist,
which is how he began research-
ing volcanoes. He said he became
interested in planetary geology
while working on his doctoral
degree at Columbia University.
"If you're trained in geology,
planets are like whole new
worlds to map out and under-
stand," Agee said.
After finishing at Colum-
bia, he taught at Harvard for
eight years before moving to
Houston to work at NASA's
Johnson Space Center. He said
he came to UNM because he
enjoys the intellectual atmo-
sphere of a university.
"I have contracts for
NASA that I work on, so I'm
still involved with them," Agee
said. "In addition to Black
Beauty, they have also funded
me for years to study the pro-
cesses of planetary volcanism."
He uses the department's
sages from nomads in the Sa-
hara sending me pictures of
rocks they've found," he said.
"Or I'll get a FedEx from Mo-
rocco. Just like with Black
Beauty, I get these exciting,
mysterious, unknown meteor-
ites sent to me."
Sometimes testing reveals
these samples to be terrestrial
rocks, or as Agee calls them,
"On the other hand, some
of them turn out to be a totally
new type that's never been seen
before," he said. "That sort of
detective work really interests
He said he currently has a
pending proposal to study yet
another previously unknown
Martian meteorite for NASA.
Currently, Agee .is also
working on updating the Mete-
orite Museum in Northrop Hall,
which has not had a major reno-
vation in about four decades. He
said the department plans to re-
open the museum in April.
"I always have something
in the works," he said.
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