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RVT Students of the Month
Kindergarten and first grade Students of the Month at R.V.Traylor Elementary School for the month
for May are Trinity Drew, Richard Silvas, Paul Holguin, Kaydon Jacquez, Isaac Murillo and Tiffany
Robles. Second and third grade will be announced in next week's edition. Courtesy photo
Four big days of art at the Hearst May 22-24
Submitted by GCAG/Silver City
The Grant
County Art Guild is
gearing up for four big
day of arts and crafts
at their Pinos Altos Art
Gallery for this holi-
day weekend. Major
holidays are always
open days! This
unique gallery is lo-
cated in the historic
Hearst Church at 14
Golden Avenue in the
quaint village of Pinos
Altos, just seven miles
north of Silver City.
It's an easy drive, a
beautiful location at
Ann Taylor, well-known in the
local art community for her
long-time member of the Guild
and she also creates a va-
riety of popular craft
On Sunday, May 24,
artist Donna Schmidt will
be the welcoming artist at
the Pinos Altos Art
Gallery. She will be there
to show you her special
display of her latest paint-
ings and to answer any of
your questions on the
abundance of other art
and crafts exhibited as
well as the history of this
beautiful old building.
Memorial Day, Mon-
day, May 25, the gallery
the edge of the Gila
Wilderness. Shown is Ann Taylor's" Blue Iris" after Van Gogh, is open and we are featur-
ing a new artist to the
On Friday, May an oil painting on canvas, guild, Diane Cornelius.
22, and Saturday, May 23, the fea- lovely colorful oil paintings, par- Stop in and say hi and see the oil
tured artist at the gallery will be ticularly of flowers. Ann is a paintings that Diane has on
exhibit. The addition of her origi-
I WNuHidalg° CountYwleLearning Center:57W '9r331 5 nal art to the gallery is most
appreciated. Your visit on this
special day will help us give
Diane a grand welcome to the
...... ' The Grant County Art
FREE! High School Equiva-
lency preparation assessment and
registration (formerly known as
GED), will be taking place on Fri-
day, May 22nd from 9am to 12pm
at the Hidalgo County Learning
Do you know what benefits
you qualify for? Do you need
help applying for benefits? Come
find out on Friday, May 29th from
llam to 3pm. The Community
Action Agency will be at the
Hidalgo County Learning Center
to answer any questions on avail-
able benefits.
FREE! Computer Classes
will be offered at the Hidalgo
County Learning Center. The fol-
lowing classes will be offered:
Basic Computer Class
Monday, June 1 st and
Tuesday, June 2nd
5:30pro to 8:30pro
Introduction to the Internet
Wednesday, June 3rd and
Thursday, June 4th
5:30pm to 8:30pm
Computer Safety 101
Monday, June 8th and
Tuesday, June 9th
5:30pm to 8:30pm
Microsoft Office
Wednesday, June 10th and
Thursday, June 11th
5:30pm to 8:30pm
Attention Western New
Mexico University students!
Registration for the Fall Semes-
ter is now on going. If you have
filed your tax returns for 2014, it
is time to start applying for finan-
cial aid. Come to the Hidalgo
County Learning Center for the
following services: Advising,
registration, help with financial
aid applications and WNMU ap-
plications. Office hours are from
9-5 Monday through Thursday
and 9-12 on Fridays. Call
(575)542-3315 for more informa-
Computer Lab Hours:
Monday 1 lam to 5pm
Tuesday llam to 3pro
Wednesday llam to 5pm
Thursday llam to 5pm
Friday llam to 12pm
For more information please
call the Learning Center or e-mail
Priscilla at
Guild is made up of 40+ local
artists and fine crafters who
show their work seasonally at
their Pinos Altos Art Gallery as
well as at other local shows
throughout the year. The Gal-
lery is open from 10 a.m. till 5
p.m. on Friday, Saturday, Sun-
day and major holidays through
October 18. It is a favorite of
those seeking a one-of-a-kind
work of art for their home or a
special gift, as well as history
buffs stopping by jus to check
out the old building that serves
as the venue. Both browsers and
buyers are cordially welcome at
no charge.
General Contractors
*Pump & Windmill repair & installation
*Septic Systems serviced & installed
*Metal Building construction
*Roofing & Concrete work
West Highway 9 Edward Elbrock
PO Box 50 575-548-2429
Animas, NM 88020
Cell 575-538-1812
We now accept Mastercard & Visa
The Wellness Coalition now launching
summer programs, jobs available
The Wellness Coalition young people from all over the know each other in a fun, interac-
(TWC) is getting ready for a busy four-county region of southwest- tive setting.
summer this year with the Youth ern New Mexico, along with the "This year, TWC has 22
Volunteer Corps (YVC), Youth groups that work with them. One placements in Hidalgo County.
Conservation Corps (YCC), and of the goals of the Summit is to This is the highest number in the
a Youth Advocacy 00[00The Wellness Coalition history of the organi-
Summit (YAS). "All of zation," says Ortiz.
these programs have "We plan to continue
opportunities for $--pof,uthtNtnNMexico working to increase
young people to im- those numbers every
prove their community, earn an
income, and/or receive a schol-
arship," says Executive Director,
Christy Ortiz. "These programs
are designed to provide early job
skills not always available for
young people in rural communi-
The YVC team has been
working on projects around the
community all year. Team lead-
ers Natasha McCants and Jessica
Sanchez have worked with young
people in the community to plan
and coordinate projects and the
team has some really fun things
in store for this summer. Two
AmeriCorps members, over age
17, are being recruited to assist
them with summer projects.
The YCC crew will be work-
ing on the new Lordsburg Town
Square, sponsored by PNM,
which is just west of City Hall.
Crew trainer Sandra McCants has
already recruited four crew mem-
bers from the community. Four
more members, ages 16 to 24, are
needed to fill the team roster.
Over the past two years, this crew
worked on the fairgrounds dem-
onstration garden and at Veteran's
Park. This year, the crew will also
be sprucing up the cemeteries
and the parks in Animas and Ro-
A new program to the area is
the Youth Advocacy Summit.
Two Youth Specialists, ages 16
to 24, will plan and coordinate a
youth leadership day this sum-
mer, with the assistance of Youth
Programs Coordinator, Felicia
Barker. The Summit will invite
registration at
RVT May 27
Lordsburg Schools Final
Kindergarten Registration will
be held at R.V. Traylor Elemen-
tary on Wednesday, May 27th
from 8:00 to 11:00 and 12:00
to 3:00. Your child must be 5
years old BY September 1,
2015. Please bring your child's
birth certificate and immuniza-
tion record. These documents
are required before he/she may
begin school. The school nurse
will be on hand to look over
immunization records. If you
have a child that currently at-
tends preschool at RVT, you still
need to come in and register
your child for Kindergarten.
Parents may also come by
RVT at any time before this date
to register (the sooner the bet-
ter). We are also registering for
Universal Pre-K. Your child
must be 4 years old by Septem-
ber 1, 2015.
discuss areas of concern for
youth, identify specific strategies
to make positive change in those
areas, and to work together on
those strategies over the next
year. The other goal is to get to
year." For more information on
the jobs available to support
these projects, see the want ads
section of this edition of the Her-
ald or call Christy at 575-534-
0665 or 520-507-0455.
What is Social Hosting?
Many folks are unfamiliar
with terms in the prevention field,
so defining some of those terms
may help with understanding
what it is that we are trying to do.
One term is "Social Hosting".
Social Hosting means adults
providing underage (under the
age of 21) teens with alcohol.
This could happen at someone's
own home or at a party in the ll-
ano somewhere. Either way, it is
illegal. Why would there be a law
against Social Hosting?
Because when teens drink,
they are more likely to develop
an addiction than if they wait
until they are an adult.
Also, when teens drink, they
are more likely to make foolish
choices while they are drinking,
such as choosing to have unpro-
tected sex, drink and drive, or try
another harmful drug. Please
don't be a party to teenage drink-
ing. It may hurt the teens involved
and it is against the law! Plan a
celebration for your graduate
without alcohol - it will be more
fun and also worry free!
Foster, adoptive parents
needed in New Mexico
Submitted by CYFD
Becoming a foster or adop-
tive parent can make a huge dif-
ference in the life of a child.
call Patricia
Hale, CYFD
Foster &
Adoptive Par-
ent Recruiter
at (505) 327-
5316 ext.
1123 or 505-
327-5316 for
more informa-
tion or visit us
on the web at
org. Se Habla
Foster or
Adopt a New Mexico
Name: Anthony
Age: 13
Story: Meet Anthony! This
athletic, well-mannered and
hard-working young man is ready
to be a part of a permanent fam-
ily. Anthony does well in school
and works hard at maintaining
his good grades. In his free time,
Anthony enjoys riding his bike,
playing video
games, listen-
ing to music,
and playing
The ideal
family for An-
thony would
be a two par-
ent home that
can provide
him that extra
attention that
he can enjoy
and really
needs. An-
thony will need a supportive fam-
ily who has experience and un-
derstands trauma based needs
and behaviors.
For more information about
foster or adoptive parenting
through the New Mexico Chil-
dren, Youth and Families Depart-
ment, please call 1-800-432-2075
or visit
a2et PO Box 67
MastercPard Animas, New Mexico 88020
(575) 548-2429
NM License #WD806
AZ R/O eL i;en; ;# WDCr- 75
[] Septic Tank Installation
Septic Tank Pumping & Inspections
[] Portable Toilet Rentals & Service
Septic Tank Treatment Products
Elbr0ek Water Systems, LLC
575-548-2429 NM LIC. #81570-MS03
575-567-2291 AZ LIC. #194466-K-80
t Carpet € Commercial Stucco
€ Tile € Residential € Cement Work
€ Roofing Block Work t Fences
Co,sttuttion 00uil00ets o{ 00merita
'_LLt.___uus build your home."
On your 8th grade t
Be proud of yourself and accomplishments!
Love ya-Nina, Che, Myrna, Skytar, Tyler
For your Residential
& Commercial needs
PO Box 2222
Deming NM 88031
Phone: 575-542-8708
Jose Retana
320 W. Railway Ave
Lordsburg, NM 88045
Office 575.542-3529
Cell 575-574-2257
License #93832
The Future Press
Attention all incomina hiah school Juniors and seniors: the NM Press
Association will host a journalism workshop at UNM, June 14-17.
Students with an interest in writing, editing, design and photography
are encouraged to apply. It's a great workshop for students working
on school newspapers, yearbooks or curious about journalism.
Visit for details. Deadline to apply is May 22.