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I RemerrLber, by Allen
Editor's Note: Longtime
Lordsburg resident, historian, yard with garden greenery all
storyteller and poet
about. In the middle of the gar-
den sat an old timer on a
makeshift chair. He had
a rigged-up shade over
him and a rickety appear-
ing table to the side of
him. On the table sat a
drink that just had to be
a mint julep and the man
had one hand on the
glass, as if ready to tip
one. The other arm sort
of half cradled a double barreled
shotgun that looked to be a 12
gauge. The shotgun pointed di-
rectly at a large mound that sur-
rounded a gopher hole.
I mentioned the fact that it
was a comical situation because
that's just what it was. The way
that old gentleman was set up it
wasn't just a thing of the moment.
He appeared to have been there
for several days trying to outwit
some gophers. I've know help-
lessness and frustration in my
own life but I've never been quite
able to conclude whether the old
gent was helpless and frustrated
or whether he had conquered
those two culprits...and was then
directing all his attention to the
Helplessness and frustrations
rear up in other ways. Just a few
days after V-J day (for you
younger readers, that was the
Allen "Hook" Hill has
written hundreds of
stories and poems.
Back in the 1980's he
began writing a column
entitled "As I Remem-
ber" With his permis-
sion, these columns
have been dusted off
and will appear in the
Hidalgo County Herald
from time to time. Hook,
Allen Hook Hill
who is 93, still lives in Lordsbur&
This column appeared In the
Lordsburg Liberal on September
27, 1991.
We've been discussing feel-
ings of helplessness that surface
in critical situations. I suppose
frustration and helplessness are
brothers under the blanket. I saw
a comical setting several years
ago that has given me many a
chuckle over the years, but has
also caused me to wonder time
and time again about the out-
come. Who won, who lost? I've
asked myself.
About twenty years ago,
more or less, the wife and I were
returning from a trip to someplace
or other and our route brought us
back through Nutrioso. Out on
this side of the town we passed
by a house that had a big back
GCAG Opening Show a success
Pictured above are Grant County Art Guild Members Opening
Show's People's Choice Winners entries in Photography, Eric
Sarkela for "Pelican" and Sandy Feutz for "Monarch at Work:'
Other entries winning the People Choice Awards are in the Crafts
Category, Jan Wagner for her "Clockmania" and Camille Painter
Davis in the Fine Art Category for "On the Dragon Fly Trail:'
The Guild's Pinos Altos Art Gallery in the historic Hearst Church is
open from 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and major
holidays through October 18.
Courtesy photos
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Ook" Hill
ending day of the Japanese por-
tion of World War II) I caught a
ride from Lordsburg to Salt Lake
City. I was on a 30 day leave af-
ter returning from the Pacific the-
ater and wanted to see my sisters
in Utah. After a brief stay there, I
hitch hiked to Boulder, Colorado
to see my younger brother, Cal,
who was in Naval Officers train-
ing at the University of Colorado.
He managed a weekend pass, so
we hopped a bus and went in to
Denver to relax.
Now, Cal knew a little bit
about frustration himself be-
cause he had for years tried to
beat me in a scuffle but had been
unsuccessful. The last attempt
had been when he was a senior
in high school and I was home
on leave from the Navy.
Though he was larger in stature
and outweighed me by several
pounds, my experience pre-
vailed and I hung another one
on him. That last encounter
must have been weighing
heavily on his mind because we
had scarcely entered our hotel
room when he flew at me with
a conviction that was almost
We wrestled tenaciously
around and around the room but
neither could prevail. Up and
down, back and forth, straining
and struggling for all we were
worth, but again, no advantage
to either. Finally both of us
reached a state of near exhaus-
tion, but we went at it in a final
unrelenting outburst, during
which i gained a very slight
edge. I swung him around and
slammed him down on the bed
but he pulled me down with
him. We hit the bed with such
ferocity that the whole thing
collapsed and scattered in all
directions around the room.
The crash of the bed caused
both of us to return to a sense
of normalcy for just an instant.
Then, as we lay there we began
to laugh. We laughed at the sil-
liness and stupidity of it all and
yet the necessity for it. We
laughed at the fallen bed and the
whole room in disarray; we
laughed at ourselves, our torn
clothes, our disheveled appear-
ance and the scratches and traces
of blood here and there on our
bodies. We laughed until there
was no strength left.
We remained immobile as
the realization slowly soaked in
that there was no more need for
the younger to have to prove
himself to the older. There was
no further reason for a feeling
of helplessness or frustration.
He had come of age and in an
instant the bond of love between
two brothers had been somehow
strengthened beyond a breaking
point. Feelings of helplessness
can sometimes cause strange re-
hook june @ hotmai l. corn
On advancing to 7th grade on graduating Kindergarten
We are all so proud of you (Especially Buddy)
4th graders share
special music with
SHNH residents
Students from Ms. Arredondo's
4th grade class at Central El-
ementary School recently vis-
ited Sunshine Haven Nursing
Home. The students sang
"Don't Laugh At Me," "We Are
The World;' "If You Get There
Before I Do", and even had the
audience singing along to "Sus-
picious Minds". Manny Turner
led the students in a rendition
of "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star:'
The students brought tears and
smiles to the many residents
and guests. "It was an emo-
tional experience for the stu-
dents" stated Ms. Arredondo."l
am extremely proud the stu-
dents continued singing while
their tears were flowing:'
Courtesy photos
Art in the Ballroom at the Murray May 22-24
Submitted by SCAA/Si/ver City
The historic Murray Hotel
and the Silver City Art Associa-
tion have com e together for a
ballroom full of fantastic art in
many different media. The Artist
Member Show will be available
for public viewing from 10 a.m.
through 5 p.m. on Friday, May
22,Saturday, May 23, and Sun-
day, May 24, and from 10 a.m.
till 1 p.m on Memorial Day,
Monday, May 25.
The Murray Hotel, located at
200 West Broadway, is a beauti-
fully restored historic building in
the heart of Silver City and
the perfect place to display the
offerings of the talented artists
who are members of Silver City
Art Association. Artists and those
who appreciate a variety of art
forms will certainly enjoy this
exhibit. You can expect to see a
wide scope of paintings,
encaustics, photography, pottery,
sculpture and much, much more.
It's a great place to find wonder-
ful art at affordable prices.
Silver City Art Association's
mission is to form and maintain
an association of galleries, stu-
dios and artists in Silver City/
Grant County for the purpose of
supporting, promoting and ad-
vancing fine art and crafts. SCAA
Red Dot Weekend will take place
on two consecutive weekends
this year. First weekend will be
October 10,11, and 12 and the
second weekend will be October
17 and 18. Both weekends will
be filled with gallery walks, art
shows and studio tours.
This coming holiday week-
end, take a little break from the
Blues and Bikes Festival in the
park and have some quiet time in
the company of fine art and art-
ists in the ballroom of the Murray
Penny Flick's encaustic titled"Clay Vl" with the color pigment from
New Mexico clay.
to our beautiful and
amazing granddaughter
Whom we give thanks to our Lord and Saviol
for the joy of having such a beautiful, healthy
and amazing granddaughter with a great and positive attitude.
We want you to know that as you get ready to celebrate your accomplishments, spread
your wings and turn the tassel on your cap, that God has a special plan for you.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to
harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
--Jeremiah 29:11
Our special wish for you is that you use all your talents and abilities for God, that you
respect and be true to yourself, treat others the way you
would want to be treated and be the young lady that He
created for His glory.
Most importantly, Grandpa and I would like you to know
that we will always love and cherish the memories of your
growing up years.
Remember that as you head off for college, we will always
be here for you, we send you off with all of our love, su
and encouragement.
Love you Cots//
Grandpa Dave & Grandma £ucy