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Hidalgo County Herald
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July 26, 2013     Hidalgo County Herald
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July 26, 2013
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HIDALGO COUNTY HERALD FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2013 3 UPCOM NG EVENTS SBDC A common stumbling block: The writing process By SBDC Staff going. Your desk is covered with Revising pieces of information that you When you're done, you can want to put into your business start revising for clarity. Re-work plan. You've had your coffee, your sentences until you are sure Your phone is off the hook. But that your reader will understand you spend the next fifteen min- them. utes staring out the Then, take a break from the window...unable to get going, project. At the very least, return a You're not alone. Most phone call or stand up and stretch. people experience some form of The next stage will require you writer's block when faced with a to switch gears dramatically, and particularly important or large- it will be much easier if you ap- scale job. preach it from a fresh perspective. Why? Most researchers who Editing study the act of writing currently This is the most crucial -- believe that many of our writing and most difficult -- stage of the problems are caused by our ap- writing process. At this point, you proach. They say that all writers should take a very objective look -- whether they are conscious of at your business plan and ask it or not -- go•through this five- yourself: stage process when they write: • Does it do what it should do? pre-writing, writing, revising, ed- • Is it convincing? fting and proofreading. The ma- • Do I need to include more infor- jority of writing problems are mation? Less? caused, the researchers say, when • Have.I supported all of my most the writer tries to do all of the important statements? steps at once. Let's.take a closer • Is it well organized? look at each of these steps: • Is it readable? Pro-writing • Is the tone appropriate? Is the This is the stage where you style appropriate? decide what you're going to say. Proofreading You may write or review your All that is left to do now is to notes, assemble facts, organize look for typographical errors, your thoughts; establish your minor grammatical errors, and to goals, or draft an outline. The make sure that the business plan more you have to say, the more. is spaced correctly on the page. It important this stage is. Generally, helps if someone else can take a the more time you spend here, the look. Keep in mind that minor less time you will spend in the errors could undermine the im- revising stage, pact of the whole business plan. Writing The most important applica- After you know in broad tions of the process approach are: terms what you need to say, you Don't correct yourself while you can start saying it. This is the write, and don't wait for "the per- stage where you jest get it down. fect opening sentence" to come Resist the temptation to try to say to you. everything perfectly. Don't cor- An archive of SBDC Busi- rect grammar or punctuation, ness Reports can be found at Don't stop after every sentence http://www.grantcounty to critique yourself. Just keep items The SBDC is offering a work- shop on how to write a business plan. Bruce Ashburn, former di- rector of the Silver City SBDC and current Community Liaison for PNM, uses hands-on learning with a common sense approach. The workshop' will be presented Wednesday, July 24, 4:00-6:00 p.m., in the SBDC offices of Watts Hall. For more information call or email the SBDC office. The weekly Business Report is brought to you by Western New Mexico University's Small Busi- ness Development Center. The SBDC offers assistance to entre- preneurs who are starting a busi- ness or wanting to expand an ex- isting business. These services are available at no cost. Call 538- 6320 for an appointment with a business advisor, or email The SBDC of- fice is located in Watts Hall at 500 18th Street, at the intersection of Swan and Silver Heights Blvd. More information may be found at index.html. Check with the SBDC office for more information about the following workshops. • July 24 - How to Write a Business Plan • August 26 - General Book- keeping for a Small Business • September 25 - IRS Work- shop for Nonprofits • November 18 - End of the Year Tax Preparation Border zone extension to boost tourism Luanne Brooten inspires local artist Submitted by SAN VICENTE ARTISTS/Silver City Luanne Brooten, a moving force behind San Vicente Artists' an- nual Gila River and New Mexico Landscape Art Show, wag inspired this year to do something very special. In a late spring drive along Highway 180 between Silver City and Alma, the beauty of that stretch of highway and the scenery beyond captured her artist eye and imagi- nation. And thus, as a new feature, The 180 Challenge, was added to this popular art show that is done annually in honor of the Gila River Festival in Silver City. Since Luanne's vision of seeing this stretch of natural landscape and plantlife with a backdrop of mountains and blue skies captured with an artist's brush, she has produced 23 paint- ings and pen and ink drawings, with plans for three more in the next few weeks. She plans a special showing at the Mimbres Region Arts Council Gallery for the month-of September. Luanne will be using public response as her guide as to which 3 paintings to enter in the coming art show. The Gila River and New Mexico Landscape Juried Art Show will be September 20, 21, 22 at the Artists' Lair Gallery on the corner of Texas and Market Street in Silver City. There are 1st and 2nd place cash prizes for all. categories. Those categories are Drawing and Paint- ing; Photography; 3-Dimensional (including fabrics); and Student Art (of all media). And more about the "180 Challenge" - an artist or photographer who wins 1st place with an entry from the stretch of landscape along Hwy 180 between Silver City and Alma will double the prize money! Entry forms for the show are available at the Silver Spirit Gallery and Lyba and Ingalls Art Supply or online at Call 575-590-2006 for questions or additional information. Continued from Page 1 more applications for the Laser Visa Border Crossing Card. The campaign consists of print ads in several Chihuahuan newspapers, beginning in late June and continuing through mid-September, reaching 1.5 mil- lion readers. There will also be seven billboards posted from June 24th to September 22nd in Chihuahua City, Ciudad Juarez, the Pan American Freeway, Nuevo Casas Grandes and Palomas. There will be an online and mobile ad component as well as rack cards, which will be dis- tributed at bridge border cross- ings on three occasions between July and August. Finally, New Mexico Tourism has developed a landing page on their website to support the campaign.' The Spanish language page at http:// will explain how to get a Laser Visa, how the rules work, and in- formation on each of the commu- nities, including attractions, events, lodging, itineraries and health facilities. "Working together with the Las Cruces CVB, the City .of Deming and•Luna County, our ad campaign will be sure to get the word out to potential visitors," said Tourism Secretary Monique Jacobsen. "We are thrilled that so many more people from our bor- der communities will now be able to experience the adventure steeped in culture found in south- ern New Mexico." "We've developed a great relationship with our southern neighbor in promoting the state and to now be able to increase tourism and business to cities like Las Cruces, Deming, and Lordsburg is a wonderful oppor- tunity for New Mexico," said Economic Development Secre- tary Jan Barela "We anticipate not only an increase in traffic to lo- cal eateries, hotels and shops but that it will also lead to the cre- ation of more jobs." Hidalgo County .-.-- I|11 New Mexico Press Iiii Association Member Hidalgo County Herald (USPS 020697) is published weekly by Hidalgo County Herald in the City of Lordsburg, County of Hidalgo, 212 E. Motel Drive, Suite B, Lordsburg, New Mexico 88045-1948, 52 issues a year. Subscription rates vary. Subscription rate is $40 per year by USPS mail, $25 per year by email. Requests for correc- tions and complaints concerning news and editorial content of the Hidalgo County Herald should be directed to the editor. For further information on the Hidalgo County Herald's approved grievance policies, readers may contact the publisher. Any unsolicited manu- Iscripts become the property of the Hidalgo County Herald and will not be returned• All information contained herein is copyrighted 2013 by the Hidalgo County Herald• All photos/stories, unless stated, are written by our staff. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Hidalgo County Herald, 212 E. Motel Drive, Suite B, Lordsburg, NM 88045- 1948. Periodicals Postage Paid at Lordsburg, New Mexico. PUBLIsHER/EDITOR: Brenda Hood ADVERTISING MANAGER: Glenda Greene PHONE: 575-542-8705 FAX: 575-542-8838 E-MAIL hcherald @aznex•net rd community Submitted by HMS FORWARD NM AHEC has partnered with UNM to host the first rural HCA (Health Careers Academy) site. To date, all UNM HCA programs have been hosted in Albuquerque only. This 6-week summer program is in the final two weeks. The participants are incoming high school sophomores, juniors and seniors from Grant, Hidalgo Continued from I age 1 New Saturday service Beginning Saturday August 3rd, the First United Methodist Church will begin a Saturday evening service from 5:30-6:30 pm. This service will be identical in style to our Sunday morning service. The music is a blend of contemporary and traditional styles. The sermon is given in a conversational style. We have a good time! If Sunday morning is not for you, try our Saturday ser- vice beginning August 3rd. VSO to visit July 26 Reggie Price, Veterans Ser- vice Officer from New Mexico Department of Veterans' Services, will be available to meet with veterans and/or their families on Friday July 26, 2013 at the Lordsburg City Hall. Office hours will be from 10am-lpm. For bet- ter assistance, please bring a copy of the veterans' discharge papers (DD-214 or NGB-22). More infor- mation is available by calling Reggie in the Silver City office at 575-538-2377. This week at FUMC In Canada, there's a town that has an intersection around which -- on its four corners-- are four churches. The intersection is known as "Salvation Corners." Using the image of maps, streets and corners, we talk about what happens when steadfast love, faithfulness, righteousness and peace meet. The scripture is from Psalm 85. No matter what comer you find yourself, the presence of Christ is always present. Worship begins at 10 AM Sunday on the corner of Third and High streets in Lordsburg. Wednesday Bible Study The Church of Christ (yh & Pyramid) hast started Wednesday Bible study again a't noon. The study hour is open to men and women. For more information contact Karen McDonald at 575- 313-5963 or Lindy Kerr at 575- 538-8446. Strength training Apache War Dance and strength training offered Satur- Y J and Luna counties. The oppor- tunity to enhance math, science and language arts skills, learn about health careers from over 25 heath care professionals, cul- tural diversity, and receive pre- paratory ACT instruction has been well received. Students have completed three ACT prac- tice tests thus far and students are averaging a 20% increase in scoring• The Academy runs uly 25 from June 15 to July 26. The HCA students will be hosting a Community Presenta- tion on their research projects at WNMU on Thursday," July 25th, from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Besse Forward Glo- bal Research Center. Presenta- tion topics include Lung Can- cer, Lupus, the Cycle of Pov- erty, Prenatal Care and Depres- sion. days and Sundays from 6 AM to Noon at the Range RV Park, Space 12. For information call 575-654- 4233 or email bidandeech0hi Literacy Program The Hidalgo County Lit- eracy Program offers services to improve individual skills in En- glish, Reading, Language and Math, as well as Pre-GED and GED preparation. Quit putting it off, it's not too late! Contact Di- rector Sherri Arredondo at 575- 313-7738, 575-542-9407 or email Water Aerobics Active and Alive Water Aero- bics will be held at the Comfort Inn on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 11. For niore informa- tion call Fabiola Cane 575-542- 2356. Church. For more information contact Kokopelli at 5423304. Line Dancing The Crooked Halos ad- vanced line dance group is meets at the Senior Citizens Center from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. on Monday and Thursday evenings. The Sassy Sunflowers beginning line dance group is meets at the Senior Citizen's Center from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. every Wednesday morn- ing. Bring your water and come join in the fun for some low im- pact exercise, good music and fun! It's free arid no experience is necessary. For more information call Fabiola Cane 575-542-2356. Supplementalltood boxes available SPIRIT of Hidalgo has partnered with BAMHS to have AA/NA Meetings supplemental emergency food boxes available for families in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) Hidalgo County. Call Edgar meetings are held on Monday Gomez at 575-542-3304 or stop from 3:4 p.m. at the Kokopelli by 332 E Motel Dr to pick up a Office and on Saturday at 7 p.m. box Monday through Friday from at the First Methodist Church. 8:30 am to 12 noon. For more in- Narcotics Anonymous (NA)meet- formation about this or other ings are held Mondays from 4-5 food programs in Hidalgo p.m., Wednesdays from 3-4 p.m. County, call Christy at 520-507- at Kokopelli and on Saturdays at 0455. 5:30 p.m. at the First Methodist | 2-2004 JEEP V-8, Loaded 2010 FORD 4x4 FOCUS 2010 MAZDA Low Miles 2008 FORD ee rvice? WeofferFMl We offer great deals on tires, employees special pricing on new an and Discounts on oil changes . used veMcles ! and brake repairs, Keep Your WILL any written deal to keep your business in Hidalgo County! 542-3551 412 E. Motel Drive, Lordsburg, NM Come in and take a look at our full line of new Fords. If we don't have it we can get it. Freeport Employees: Ask about our Special Pricing on New Fords Check our our great selection of Tires at competitive prices!