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2013-2014 Lordsburg school supp!y_
1 - Plastic Five Star@ Pocket and 1 - pencil pouch or pencil box 5 -
Prong Poly Folder 1 - five star poly folder with 4 -
4 - boxes of 16 or 24 Crayola prongs 1 -
crayons 1 - 1" binder 1 -
1 - 1" 3-ring binder FIFTH & SIXTH GRADE 2 -
3 - 8 oz. bottles of Elmer's glue 1 - 1-2" 3-ring binder 1 -
2 - ruby red erasers 1 - pkg. of dividers (for 5 sub- 1 -
1 - pencil pouch (no box) jects)
2 - composition notebooks 2 - boxes of #2 pencils
1 - box of Crayola colored pen- 1 - box colored pencils
cils 1 - zipper pencil case for 3-ring
1 - box #2 wooden pencils binder
1 - pkg. 4 highlighters (different 1 - personal pencil sharpener
colors) 2 - pkgs. loose leaf wide ruled
FIRST GRADE lined paper
1 - box #2 pencils 1 - pkg. of blue or black pens
2 - blue or black ink joy pens 1 - yelloW highlighter
2 - ruby red erasers 1 - folder with pockets
Eleven graduates receive Fight For Life Scholarships 2 - bottles of Elmer's glue DUGAN-TARANGO MIDDLE
1 - box twistable crayons SCHOOL
The 6t" Annual Kelly Saucedo Fight for Life Scholarships werq presented to the LHS Class of 2013 at 2 - composition notebooks General supply list. Individual
graduation ceremonies on May 17, 2013. Receiving the eight $500.were scholarships Michael Sturges, 1 - draw/write composition note- DTMS teachers may require ad-
Jonathan Murillo, Bryan Marquez, Joseph Lopez, Kristen Gutierrez, Christian Carbajal, Jonah Barrera book (writing journal ½ blank on ditional items.
and ChristopherWhitmore. Also pictured presenting the scholarships were Connie and Rene Saucedo. top ½ writing on bottom) 2 -•boxes of #2 pencils
For the first time this year, the Saucedo family also presented three $500 scholarship to Animas 3 - ~ plastic poly folders with 2 - mechanical pencils & refill
High School graduates. The recipients were (below) Samantha Romero, Johnny Parke and Oes pockets lead
Gomez. Courtesy photos 1 - box small dry erase markers 2 - boxes colored pencils
1 - plastic pencil box 1 - pkg. red pens
1 - box Ziploc bags (size your 1 - pkg. pens (blue or black)
choice) 5 - single-subject spiral note-
1 - pair of scissors (optional) books
SECOND GRADE 2 - pkgs. loose leaf notebook
3 - composition books, wide wide ruled paper
ruled (black, blue, red only)
2 - plain plastic pocket and
prong folders (no pattern, glitter
or other decor on folders)
2 - pkg. #2 pencils (no plastic
1 - box dry erase markers
1 - plastic pencil box
2 - ruby red erasers
2 - pkg. yellow Post-it notes
1 - pkg. index cards
1 - box Ziploc bags (size your
Local families needed for exchange students
2 - pkg. #2 pencils
Submitted by ASSE personal spending money and Those persons interested in1 - pair of scissors
ASSE International Student expects to contribute to his or her obtaining more information 4 - wide ruled spiral notebooks
Exchange Programs (ASSE) isshare of household responsibili- about becoming a host family 1 - box colored pencils
seeking local host families for in- ties, as well as being included in should call toll free: 1-800-733- 1 - pencil pouch or pencil box
ternational high school boys and normal family activities and 2773 or go to our website at 1 - small pkg. of glue sticks
girls. These students are 15 to 18 lifestyles. The students are well 1 - 1" binder
years of age, and are coming to screened and qualified by ASSE. There are many students to FOURTH GRADE
this area for the upcoming high Families can choose their stu- choose from, so call - and begin 1 - pkg. #2 pencils
school year or semester. These dents from a wide variety of back- the process of selecting your new 1 - box colored pencils
:personable and academically se- grounds, nationalities and per- host son or daughter today!1 - ream of wide ruled notebook
leered exchange students are con- sonal interests. LMSSummer
versant in English, bright, curl- features Klein
ous and anxious to learn about
this country through living as part Lunch Menu
of a family, attending high school
and sharingtheir°wncultureand 0n July 26 i
language with their newly __~n Monday, July 29
..... , ......... L ......
adopted host family. The ex- ' Ham & Cheese Sandwich
change students arrive from their Submitted by GCAGISilvor City ~he featured'artist guild:member Hurkey
Dora Klein, whose fused glass Lettuce/Tomato
home country shortly before
school begins and return at the
end of the school year or semes-
ter. Each ASSE student is fully
ins.ured, brings his or her own
The Grant Count Art Guild
is made up of a group of local art-
ists and crafters who have a
unique seasonal gallery, Pints
Altos Art Gallery, which is located
in the historic Hearst Church in
the quaint village of Pints Altos.
This rustic location only adds to
the interest of visitors to the gal-
lery, many of which are history
buffs who enjoy touring this
beautiful old building'with a
name of distinction. The fine art
displayed there is a real bonus to
their visit.
Those stopping in on Friday,
July 26; will be pleased to find as
Hidalgo County Learning Center:
.-,"',,,, 575"542-3315
By PRISCILLA PEREAIDirector If you are interested, or need
The Hidalgo County Learn- more. information, call 575-542-
ing Center is currently, looking 3315 or stop by the Learning
for a GED Teacher. Center at 520 W. 2nd Street.
works of art are beautiful to dis- Chips
play or to give as a gift. Her col- Fruit Cup
orfulglass earrings also have been Milk '
very popular. Dora won the best Tuesdays July 30 "
in show honors for crafts at the Meat & Potato Burrito
Guild's opening show of the sea- Corn on the Cob
son. Cantaloupe
On Saturday, July 27, and Milk
Sunday, July 28, well known lo- Wednesdays July 31
cal artist Barbara Smith will be Pizza
the featured artist. Barbara's sub- Garden Salad w/Dressing
jeers are landscapes and still life Watermelon
in oils and acrylics, as well as Milk
other subjects in pastels. Her Thursday, August 1
works that have been shown in Cheeseburger
the annual Master Painters show Fries
have been exceptional. This Lettuce/Tomato/Pickles
weekend is the perfect time to Grapes
visit the Pints Altos Art-Gallery Milk
and enjoy the art of this and other Friday, August 2
outstanding artists from our area. Corn Dog
The Pints Altos Art Gallery Pork & Beans
is open from 10 till 5 on Friday, Corn on the Cob
Saturday, Sunday and major hull- Fruit Cup
days through October 6. Milk
lists released
3-ring binder (2" or 3")
composition notebooks
spiral notebook
3-tab folder
pocket folders
personal.pencil sharpener
shoe box
1 - jump drive
Suggested additional supplies:
markers & crayons
The following supplies will be
required for all physical educa-
tion classes at DTMS:
1 - white T-shirt
1 - pair of shorts/warm-ups (no
cut offs)
1 - pair athletic shoes (for P.E.
use only)
1 - towel
General supply list. Individual
LHS teachers may require addi-
tional items.
#2 pencils
Mechanical pencils & refill lead
Assorted color pens (blue, black
and red)
Spiral notebooks
Loose-leaf notebook wide ruled
3-rlng binders
David James Gonzales
Courtesy information
David James Gonzales, grandson of Raymond and Margie
Bejarano of Virden, recently traveled to Indianapolis, Indiana with
the AZUSA National Schoolboy wrestling team.
Team Arizona competed in the 2013 National Schoolboy dual
meet. David weighed in at 230 pounds and wrestled heavyweight
opponents between 221 and 265 pounds.
On May 29, 2013, before his surgery, David's grandfather
Raymond told him "Go win one for:me!" David did just that and
more. He went 7-0 in the Greet-Roman style class, resulting in being
named to the All Toumament Team for winning at least 5 and losing
none. In freestyle David went 7-1, falling to his opponent from New
York He lost by one point in the final five seconds of the match.
In their post, Team Arizona placed second in Greet-Roman style
and eighth in Freestyle.
David will be a freshman at Amphi High School in Tucson, Ari-
zona this coming fall. Proud parents are Elizabeth "Lisa" Bejarano
and Jaime Aziz. David James thanks all those who continue to sup-
port his love for the sport of wrestling.
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