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Placing a classified ad in the Hidalgo County HELPWANTED
Payroll Clerk
Herald is easy!
Simply stop in at 212 E. Motel Drive, Suite B, in Lordsburg, or drop us a line at the same ing applications for the position of
address. Ads may also be called in to 575-542-8705 or e-mailed to Payroll Clerk. Job description may
be picked up at the Lordsburg City
A 25-word classified ad will only cost you $5.00. Hall 409 W. Wabash Street. Submis-
Any additional words will be 5¢ each. s on deadline is Monday, August5,
2013 at 4:00 p.m.
If you have an application on file you
may call City Hall (575) 542-3421, and
have your application activated.
RUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, July27, YARD WORK: Call 575-313-3247. Medical Alert for Seniors - 24/T moni- The City of Lordsburg is an equal
7 AM to 3 PM at 520 East 2'~ Street, "Cleanliness is next to Godliness." toring. FREE Equipment. FREE Ship- opportunity employer and reserves
Lordsburg. Children's clothing, girls ltp ping. Nationwide Service. $29.95/ the right to reject any or all applica-
and boys, misc. items. - ..................... ...................... Month CALL Medical GuardianToday tions.
............................................ I have a general law practice. I was ltp Jy26/a2c
YARD SALE: Saturday, July 27, 7 AM admitted to the New Mexico bar in ............................................ Sunshine Haven at Lordsburg CNA
to ?? (weather permitting ) at 525 1977. I handle a wide variety of legal DirecTV - Over 140 channels only Positions
North Street (Gonzales residence), matters including, but not limited to, $29.99 a month. Call Now!Triple sav- FulITime CNA positions open for day
ings[ $636.00 in Savings, Free up- and night shifts. Shifts are 12 hour
Lots of clothes in excellent condition guardianship and conservatorship,
grade to Genie & 2013 NFL Sunday shifts.
and misc. items, probate, damage suits and Chapter ticket freeH Start saving today! 1-800- Please contact Daniel Lopez DON at
ltp 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies. Initial 264-0340
........................................ .---- consultations are free. In this notice ltp 5755423539 or stop by the facility at
MOVING SALE: Saturday, July 27, I'm emphasizing bankruptcy repre- _ ........................................... 603 Hadeco Drive, Lordsburg NM
2013, 8 AM to ?? at 108 Silver Street. sentation. I would be glad to provide Advertise your auction in 33 New
Couches, dining table & chairs, 12x7 you with my standard bankruptcy Mexico newspapers for only $100. j19/26c
rug and lots more: agreement, which also explains briefly Your 25-word classified ad will reach HELP WANTED: KOA Kampgrounds
ltp the process; I strongly recommend more than 288,000 readers. Call this in Lordsburg is now hiring a part time
that no one file a Chapter 7 without newspaper for more details. Or log manager. Must 'be dependable,
YARD SALE: Saturday, July 27, 8 AM exploring the possible advantages of onto for a list of friendly and have good customer ser-
to ?? at 313 West Railway Blvd. Fur- Chapter 13. You might just be sur- participating newspapers, vice, merchandising and computer
niture, household items, baby clothes, prised, ltp "
skills. Applications may be picked up
clothes, and lots of misc. 575-388-2521 at the KOA, 1501 Lead Street,
Lordsburg, NM 88045. For more in-
ltp I will make you an appointment and WILL BUY GOLD! Gold jewelry, formation call 575-542-8003.
............................................ send you my bankruptcy agreement
scrap, broken pieces, dental gold, any Jy26/a2c
CARPORT SALE: Saturday, July 27, if you want one; oftentimes I field • condition. 8K-18K, If your not sure,
8 AM to ?? at the corner of 2nd and questions on the phone, we'll test it for you. Call 575-639-2484 The Hidalgo County Detention Cen-
Randall Streets in Lordsburg. Thank you.or stop by the Cottage House, 214
ltp Pete Keys East Motel Drive. ter is now accepting applications for
tfnc. ltp Detention Officer.This process is to
............................................ fill vacancies for Detention Officer as
they occur over a period of four
FOR SALE: 3 used Michelin SUV SAVE $$$ on AUTO INSURANCE months. AII qualified, interviewed, and
tires, P235/70R16. $25 each. Call 575- from the major names you know and considered applicants will be kept on
542-9849. trust. No forms. No hassle. No obliga- file for a period of four months.
Jy26/a,?.p tion. Call READY FOR MY QUOTE Applications must be turned into the
............................................ now! CALL 1-888,719,6435 HOUSE FOR RENT: Small 2 BR, 1 Hidalgo County Managers office. The
FOR SALE: Professional Massage ltp bath, enclosed yard, pets welcome. Manager's office will accept applica-
Table $200. Professional Massage ..................................... = ...... $450/month, located at 105 Penn St. tions until the vacancies are filled. Ap-
Chair $200. In Lordsburg. Call 575- Canada Drug Center is your choice 575-590-2595. plications and job description may be
590-3217. for safe and affordable medicationS, jy26p picked up at the County Managers
Office or 0n-line at www.hidalgo
Jy26/a16pOur licensed Canadian mail order HOUSE FOR RENT: 2 Bedroom, 1
.................. - ......................... pharmacy will provide you with sav- Computer Room, 1 1/2 Bath, Washer
~) ings of up to 90 percent on all your & Dryer. No steps or stairs, no water Jy26/a2c
medication needs. Call today 1-800- bill, no sewePbill. Senior Discount. In ............................................
661-3783, for $10.00 off your first Cotton City. Call 575-741-1641. HELPWANTED
Finance Officer
prescription and free shipping, j19/a2pApplications and a complete job re-
ltp ............................................ quirements and description may be
............................................ FOR RENT: One bedroom apart- picked up atthe Lordsburg City Hall
All your FAVORITE characters SAVE on Cable "rV-Internet-Digital ment for rent ad one studio for rent at
409 W. Wabash Street. Submission
under one Roof! Phone-Satellite.You've Got A Choice! 328 East 6 Street. For information
deadline is Friday, July 26, 2013 at
Visit our one-of-a-kind specialty Options from ALL major service pro- call cell phone 575-313-2718. 4:00 p.m.
we l:~t' e to find some of the most popu- viders. Call us to learn more! CALL Jy5/26p If you have an application on file you
may call City Hall and have your ap-
lar and sought-after licensed char- Today. 888-706-8846 FOR RENT: Furnished 1 BR, 1 Bath plication activated.
actei'products...offered to the public ltp apartment in Lordsburg. $450/Month The City of Lordsburg is an equal
Selectat unbeatablefrom.., prices! ............................................ DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/ 575-388-4361.(°r $500 Fumished) plus utilities. Call opportunity employer and reserves
*Clothing * Toys & activity * Room month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed tfnc the right to reject any or all applica-
d6cor*Bathd6cor*Partysupplies* Internet starting at $14.95/month ............................................ tions.
Back-to-school * learning books * (where available.)SAVE! Ask About FOR RENT: King Arthur's Apart- jy19/26c
Seasonalgoods * and much more! SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! ments is now taking applications for Weeders and harvesters wanted for
BUY DIRECTLYsouRcE!FROM THE1-800-315-7043 1,2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments. NO farm in Duncan, AZ: Lodging possi-
Visit today! Use this special buyer's ltp WAITING LIST! Please pick up appli- bly available. Inquire with Frank at
............................................ cation at 428W. Gale Street. 575-
623-363-7843. Se buscan
discount code and receive a free gift A'I-I'ENTION SLEEP APNEA SUF- 542-9336. azadoneros y cosechadores para
with your first purchase: FERERS with Medicare. Get FREE Sehabla Espanol. ranja en Duncan, AZ. Posible
CP01778 CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO =='=~ ffnc disponibilidad de alojamiento. Para
N°t ready t° buy? Use the buyers COST. plus FREE home delivery, I R EAL i: A-] E I mas informacion, ilamara a Frank aI
discount code and receive special Best of all, prevent red skin sores 623-363-7843. Jy12/a2c
offers coupons and promotionS! andbacterialinfectionlCal1866-938-I FOR _E I
jy26p 5101 ltp FOR SALE: 129.85 acres behind the HELPWANTED
Power Plant in Lordsburg. Call 575- Code EnforcementPosition
Jy26/a16pThe City of Lordsburg is now accept-
ing applications for the position of
[ii ........................................ i Code Enforcement. Job description
may be picked up at the Lordsburg
City Hall 409 W.Wabash Street. Sub-
mission deadline is Monday, August
5, 2013 at 4:00 p.m.
If you have an application on file you
may call City Hall (575) 542-3421, and
have you~ application activated.
N E W L I S T I N G S ! HOUSE FOR SALE: 3 BR, 2 Full Bath The City of Lordsburg is an equal
home at 446 North Street on approxi- opportunity employer and reserves
* 3 BR,2 Bath close to schools, carport, matelyS/10acre, fullyfenced, metal the right to reject any or all applica-
roof, garage, 3 large storage sheds, tions.
near,:1,, acre of land Asking $65,000. Call Edmundo
Sanchez at 575-542-9510 or 574- Jy26/a2c
* 2 BR, 2 Bath home on 3 city lots near
school, carport tfnc from anywhere 24/7. Up to $1500 Part
Time to $7500/mo. FullTime.Training
* 2.7 Acres of Commecrcial property on HOME FOR SALE BY OWNER
2005 Solitaire Mobile Home on 2 lots. provided,
East Motel Drive near Pilot. Great 3 BR, 2 Bath, refrigerated NC, all ltp
kitchen appliances including dish- EARNING BETTER PAYIS ONE
Location• washer, fresh paint, designerlightfix- STEP AWAY! Averitt offers CDL-A
tures, ceiling fans in Living Room and . Dedicated & Regional Driver Excel-
* 2 BR, 1 BA fixer upper on W• 7th Bedrooms, wood blinds throughout,
lent Benefits, & Hometime. CDL-A req.
property• storage shed on property. Must See!! 888-362-8608 Recent Grads w/a
• Move-in ready! CDL-A, 1/5/wks. Apply online at
* Corner of Pyramid & 2nd St., 2368 sq. Cal1575-313-6839 for more informa- AverittCareers.comEqualOpportu-
ft,Commercial/Residential Great Loca- j~6p nityEmployer.
• . ............................................ ltp
tion. LENDER SALE 30 acres, $19,900.
Email us at or
hcherald @
Spellbinding views of snow-capped
* Approx 7 acres vacant land on Animas mountains! Adjacent to National For-
S t. $ 3 7 0 0 0 est. Maintained all weather roads W/
electric. Close to Ruidoso. Financing
available. Call NMRS 866-906-2857
1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments
Jody Hatch, Broker 575-640-7150I 600 Ownby Street, Lordsburg ' [
Associate Brokers: I Newly Remodeled Units
Richard Chaires 575-640-6998 I Call Harriet at r mlm,.-I
George Jackson 575-538-1144 I srs. sr.2444 I
Regular Meeting
Public notice is hereby given that the
regular meeting of the City Council
and the Housing Authority Commis-
sion of the City of Lordsburg, New
Mexico will be held on Thursday, Au-
gust 08, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. A com-
plete agenda will be available 72 hours
prior to the meeting.
If you need an accommodation of a
disability to enable you to fully partici-
pate, please contact City Hall 48 hours
before the meeting at 575-542-3421.
Reminder: if you wish to be placed on
the agenda your request must be re-
ceived by 5:00 pm on Friday, August
2, 2013
/s/Belinda Chavez
City Clerk
Hidalgo Medical Services (HMS) shall
receive sealed bids for Remodeling
Construction on the HMS Lordsburg
Pharmacy, 204 E. Fourth St.,
Lordsburg, NM. Complete Request
For Proposal Documents may be
obtained examined at the office of
Jessica Ramirez, 575-542-2315, 530
DeMoss St., Lordsburg, NM.
A Pre-proposal Conference will be
conducted at the HMS Lordsburg
Clinic, 530 DeMoss St, Lordsburg,
NM at 10:00 AM, August 2, 2013. Bid
closing is 2:00 p.m. August 16, 2013.
All bids must be delivered to the HMS
administrative offices located at 530
DeMoss St., Lordsburg NM by that
date and time.
All proposals will be .reviewed, evalu-
ated, and ranked by HMS based on
the criteria itemized inthe RFP docu-
ments. HMS reserves the right to
reject any or all bids, to waive any
technical irregularities and to award
this contract to the bidder whose bid
it deems to be in the best interest of
the organization and community.
HMS is a non-profit, health care and
community development organization
that improve~ the quality of life of the
people of Hidalgo County and South-
western New Mexico.
Public notice is hereby given that the
City of Lordsburg Zoning Commis-
sion will meet on Thursday, August 8,
2013 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Cham-
bers at 409W.Wabash Street. Acom-
plete agenda will be available 72 hrs
prior to the meeting. If you need an
accommodation of a disability to en-
able you to fully participate, please
contact City Hall at 575-542-3421.
/s/Belinda Chavez
Public Hearing
Public notice is hereby given that a
Public Hearing will be held at the City
of Lordsburg Council Chambers, 409
W. Wabash Street, Lordsburg, New
Mexico on Thursday, August 8, 2013
at 5:00 p.m.
Purpose: To change the Zone from
Commercial 2 (C2) to ReSidential B
(RB) fbr the property located on "E
1/2 of SE QTR, SEC 33, "I'~/SHP 22S,
From: Irma Geaney
965 East 2nd Street
Lordsburg, NM 88045
If you need an accommodation of a
disability to enable you to fully partici-
pate, please contact City Hall 48 hours
before the meeting at 575-542-3421.
/s/Belinda Chavez
City Clerk
A public auction to satisfy a storage
lien will be held on Saturday, July 27,
2013 at 10:00 a.m. at 3190 Highway
80; Roadforks, NM.88045 on the fol-
lowing vehicle:
1993 GMC 3500 Pickup
(engine blown)
License # DZ62859 (Chihuahua,
Starting Bid: $7,500.00
Love, Pad, Audrey,
On any given night in New Mexico there are
over 2000 children in foster care and up to 400
children available for adoption. Find out how
you can make a difference/
Children, Youth & Families
For information and to
receive your application
: packet, please call:
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CYFD Recruiter
ext. 1121
Ask about the free process to become a
licensed foster or adoptive parent.
Are YOUadop,..Ready?p ,..,
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you can be single or married, You
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