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Hidalgo County Herald
Lordsburg, New Mexico
July 26, 2013     Hidalgo County Herald
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July 26, 2013
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10 HIDALGO COUNTY HERALD FRIDAY, JULY 26, 2013 Ana Castillo to present Memoir Writing workshop September 28 in Silver City Submitted by JEANNIE MILLER/ SWFWW Ana Castillo, an award win- ning poet, novelist, essayist, edi- tor, playwright and translator, will teach a Mem- oir Writing work- shop, at the Southwest Festi- val of the Written Word in Silver City NM on Sat- urday, Septem- ber 28th. It is open to anyone who wants to learn to write memoir. The workshop fee is Ana Castillo $125 and enroll- ment is limited. "In memoir, the reader must be persuaded that the narrator is writing honestlyl whether or not he/she is secondary. It doesn't matter as much 'what happened' as what you make of what you remember may have happened," explains Ms. Castillo. She de- scribes" the workshop as a time for talking, laughing, crying, vent- ing, and writing from the heart and mind. After that, she says, the participants will learn to get rid of all the sentimentality and leave on the page what is important to the reader to know about their memoirs. The workshop will consist of a number of exercises which will help the participants to know how to get started work- ing on a memoir essay. Ms. Castillo will also be the Southwest Festival of the Writ- ten Word's opening speaker on Friday, Sept 27 from 5:00- 6:30pm. Her key- note address is titled "Two New Books and How They Came to Be in an Anti-Print Age". This event is free and open to the public. Ana Castillo's novel, Sapogonia, was a New York Times Notable Book of the Year. She is editor of La Tolteca, an arts and literary zine dedicated to the advancement of a world without borders and censorship and is on the advisory board of the new American Writers Museum in D.C. Castillo held the Sor Juana Inrs de la Cruz Endowed Chair at DePaul University, The Martin Luther King, Jr Dfstinguished Visiting Scholar post at M.I.T. and was the Poet-in-Residence at Westminster College in Utah, among other teaching positions throughout her extensive career. Ana Castillo holds an M.A from the University of Chicago and a Ph.D., University of Bremen, Ger- many. In Fall, 2013 Ana Castillo will be teaching memoir writing in the MA/MFA writing program at Northwestern University in Chicago. The 20th anniversary edition of her classic book of Xicana essays, Massacre of the Dreamers will be released Fall, 2014 She has also written several essays hnd columns for newspa- pers and magazines across the country on various topics such as the murder of Tejano singer, Selena; gender roles in the Farmworkers movement (Los An- geles Times, 4/20/97); being a mother (Salon, 4/12/99); and Feministas turning 50 (Oxygen). She has been profiled and inter- viewed on National Public Radio and the History Channel. In ad- dition, she has also been featured along with Sandra Cisneros and Denise Chavez in Vanity Fair (9/ 94) and Hispanic (3/95). The Southwest Festival of the Written Word will take place in Silver City NM from Friday September 27-Sunday September 29. All events at the Festival are free except for the Ana Castillo Memoir Writing workshop and the Festival Banquet on Saturday night with keynote speaker, Denise Chavez. The Workshop cost is $125 and the Banquet ticket cost is $30. To register for the Memoir Writing Workshop, send an email to For full information on the Southwest Festival of the Written Word, visit Aug. 1deadline for FSA county nominations Submitted by USDA/Lordsburg local FSA county committees. Juan M. Garcia, Administra- ."The last day to file your tor of USDA's Farm Servicenomination form is about a week Agency (FSA), today reminded away," Garcia said. "Please get farmers, ranchers and other agri- involved this year and nominate cultural producers that they have the candidate of your choice or until Aug. 1, 2013, to nominate nominate yourself to serve on eligible candidates to serve on your local county committee. I Donna Levine, juror for the 2013 Purchase Prize Award Exhibit. Juror announced ,th Annual Purchase Prize Exhibit Submitted by GCAG The Grant County Art Guild has chosen ~cottsdale, Arizona, art-. ist Donna Levine as the juror for this year's Purchase Prize Award Exhibit that will be opening September 24 at the Guild's Pinos Altos Art Gallery. A lifetime of art follows Ddnna Levine, along with over forty years of teaching art. She has a Master's Degree that she earned in Florence, Italy. Donna's richly colored impressionistic paintings emerge from intense observation and contemplation of growth and change. This is done with her instinctual, intuitive, passionate eye, which she willingly imparts to her students. The Guild is pleased to announce that Donna is offering a three-day workshop on painting in all media on September 25 through 27. Class sizes are limited. To reserve a place, call 575-534-2899 or email The Purchase Prize Award Exhibit, open to all New Mexico art- ists, is in its 28'h year and has gained recognition as one of the most popular annual shows in the area. There is a total of $2,400 in prize money awarded for the show winners, including the $1,500 for plar- chase of the "Best in Show" winning painting. The deadline for entry forms is August 5. Check the website for your entry forms and further information. especially encourage the nomi- nation of beginning farmers and ranchers, as well as women and minorities. This is your opportu- nity to have a say in how federal programs are delivered in your county." FSA county committees help local farmers through their deci- sions on commodity price support 4oans, conservation programs and disaster programs, and by work- ing closely withcounty execu- tive directors. To be eligible to hold office as a county committee member, individuals must participate or cooperate in a program adminis- tered by FSA, be eligible to vote in a county committee election and live in the local administra- tive area where they are running. A complete list of eligibility re- quirements, more information and nomination forms are avail- able at elections All nominees must sign the nomination form FSA-669A. All nomination forms for the 2013 election must be postmarked or received in the local USDA Ser- vice Center by close of business on Aug. 1, 2013. Ballots will be mailed to eligible voters by Nov. 4 and are due back to the local USDA Service Centers on Dec. 2. The newly elected county com- mittee members will take office Jan. 1, 2014. USDA is an equal opportu- nity provider and employer. To file a complaint of discrimina- tion, write to USDA, Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Av- enue, S.W., Stop 9410, Washing- ton, DC 20250-9410, or call toll- free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (English Federal-relay) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish Fed- eral-relay). Lordsburg Elks welcome six new members The Lordsburg Elks Lodge held initiation ceremonies on June 19, 2013, welcoming into the order six new members. Pictured above are Randy Estrada, Anna Molina, Edgar Gomez, Priscilla Perea, Esquire Annette George, Exalted Ruler Christine Ortiz, Steven Perea and Chris Helbig. For more information on becoming a member of the Lordsburg Elks Lodge, contact Membership Chairman Glenda Greene at 575-639-2484 or email Herald staff photo Biol find end Jem Mountains der Submitted by NM DEPTofGAMEThe Jemez Mountains sala- Jemez Mountains of New & FiSH/Santa Fe mander (Plethodan neomexiean- Mexico. It is listed as endangered Wildlife biologists made a~ us) of the family Plethodontidae, under the state Wildlife Conser- startling discovery last week in is lungless and breathes through vation Act and has been proposed the Jemez Mountains when for listing under the fed- they found what is believed eral Endangered Species to be the longest living en- Act.The salamander dangered Jemez Mountains found under a small salamander, branch Wednesday was Mark Watson, a Depart- about five inches long. It ment of Game and Fish bi- was discovered during a ologist and a member of the salamander training work- " New Mexico Endemic Sala- shop for about 25 biolo- mander Team, said the sala- gists and naturalists rep- mander found just east of the resenting Jemez Pueblo, Valles Caldera National Pre- The Nature Conservancy, serve is estimated to be 17 Bandelier National to 18 years old. It was iden- Monument, the Valles tified as a salamander cap- Caldera National Pre- tured and tagged in 1998 by Colored markers injected into this salamander serve, and private consult~ antS. Department Herpetologist in 1998 helped biologists estimate its age as The workshop was Charlie Painter. 17 to 18 years when it was found, conducted by the New "This was a very excit- Photo by MARKWATSON Mexico Endemic Sala- ing and surprising find," mander Team, which consists of Watson said. "Experts had be- its skin. It spends nine months of members from the Department of lieved this species to be long- the year underground, coming Game and Fish, the U.S. Fish and lived, but we never knew just how out only during the summer mon- Wildlife Service and the U.S. For- long-lived these salamanders soon rains. It is found only in the est Service. could be." Fast Approval Build Your Credit No Checking Account Needed #No Hassles Call Us Today! to Silver City e Dr.Wendler,.a Board Certified General Surgeon, will be seeing patients soon at the Surgical Associates of Silver City, NM 2600 N Silver Street in Silver City Apply in person on call ahead! | Calltoday/ I To make an appointment call (575) 388-3175 Gil,_a Reg_' Medical Ccntc I" (575) 538-4000 ° []