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Hidalgo County Herald
Lordsburg, New Mexico
September 6, 2013     Hidalgo County Herald
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September 6, 2013
Newspaper Archive of Hidalgo County Herald produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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HIDALGO COUNTY HERALD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 7 lust A Thought iniscing bout th By RICK KRAFT chew the stick of bubble gum, and While relaxing on a quiet with the help of a clothespin we .family weekend in the mountains, would use the cards to make our [ found myself reminiscing about bikes sound like motorcycles. We ~the world that I spent my youth would get frustrated when we !n. Then I got to thinking about couldn't find the roller skate key. aay children and the We had'to be care- world that they are liv- ful which direction we aag in today. I realized bounced our 1hat my children are "superball" because we rfissing out on life as I knew that the second enjoyed it growing up. bounce would always Things that I looked for- be the highest. We could yard to, my children buy a matchbox car and 4on't even know ex- get change back from a isted. My children are dollar. We would pack Iving each year of their full the pouch on the Ife three decades behind RickKraft front of our Stingray nine. Things sure have bikes and throw news- changed in just one generation, papers onto customer's porches. Those were the days. We would then go door to door As achild, when we heard the without fear to collect the nusic playing through our neigh- monthly subscription fees. torhood, we would chase down We bought soft drinks in tae ice cream truck to buy a spe- bottles and saved the bottles so dal treat.-We used to park our sta- that we could get back the dime ton wagon backwards at the drive deposit. We would walk a half il theater and watch a double fea- mile to the Saturday matinee tire wrapped in blankets in the movie and sit in the front row. We old night air, eating snacks that would Stop to pick up a penny on ve brought from home. Fun the ground. The biggest meal of vould be saving our allowance the week was the Sunday dinner fir weeks in a piggy bank then that morn put in the oven in the g)ing to the corner drugstore to morning before we left for church. bly a new toy for fifty cents. We walked our neighborhood on At family gatherings weHalloween receiving candy from wguld work 'together taking turns people whose names we knew and hind cranking the home made ice not worrying about anything that c~eam maker and, having all was put in our bag, wrapped or hdped, it tasted sweeter. We trav- unwrapped. ebd across the country on Route Eating out was a special treat 6i in our new Oldsmobile Vista and was the exception, not the C:uiser station wagon with tinted rule. We spent our free time out- Nndows in the roof. We would doors playing games like "kick gtther together as a family and the can" and "hide and seek?' We watch Walt Disney's Wonderful listened to records that would turn Vorld of Color while we ate pop-. at 33 or 45' rotations per minute corn and sandwiches. We would as we sang to songs by the Beatles slare a box of candy cigarettes. I and the Monkees. Saturday morn- w~uld pick up an Archie's comic ings were TV mornings with Bugs oi a MAD magazine while my Bunny and Wile E. Coyote try- rmther was shopping, ing to catch the Roadrunner. We We would spend hours try- didn't have to worry about what irg to get the Slinky to go all the movies were rated; the use of a w~y down the stairway. After single word such as "damn" playing hard outside we would caused a stir. We made ice cubes glab a cold glass of water and in metal trays. erjoy watching "fizzies" bubble We could get a burger for a in a drink that was more fun to quarter at McDonalds back when wLtch than to drink. All of my their signs still counted the num- f~nd's rooms drove us around in ber of burgers they had served. A station wagons. We would buy a treat would be those wax bottle p~k of baseball cards for a dime, shaped candies with color sugar Id water inside them. Church pot- luck dinners and tent revivals were regular happenings. Our family would gather each evening and share dinner with Dad at one end of the table, Morn at the other, and us kids lining both sides. We would plan our week around a showing on TV of "The Wizard of Oz" or "The Sound of Music." We all wore PF Flyers so we could run faster and jump higher. We would pour over the S&H Green Stamp catalogue to find some- thing to buy that everyone could agree on. Our telephone numbers started with letter prefixes. We all want a better world for our children than we had when we were their age. I wonder if this is possible. Technology has "ad- vanced" society. Or has it? Today our children expect to be enter- tained by 100's of television sta- tions, countless video games, computers, and the internet. We are able to give our children more yet they often appreciate it less. What used to be privileges for us as children now are seen as fights. Are we teaching our children proper values in today's different world? And what will the world be like for our children's children thirty years from now? My challenge to you today is to take time to reminisce. Ap- preciate the things that you had growing up. And pass down to the next generations what your world was like. Sit at the family dinner table or in front of a warm fire and share with your children or your grandchildren what your world was like when you were a child. Better yet, videotape yourself tell- ing your memories. Today's youth can.then pass your experi- ence on to the generation after theirs. I think that I will go kick off my shoes and lay down in a hammock and reminisce some more. Yes, those were the good old days. Just some thoughts... Rick Kraft lives in the present for the future, but does occasionally take time to reminisce.. To submit comments, contributions, or ideas, e-mail to rkraft @ kraftandhunter, com or write to P.O. Box 850, Roswell, NM, 88202-0850. A Picture From The Past By EDMUND SAUCEDO/Lordsburg Photo courtesy DAVID ARREDONDO/Lordsburg Left to right: Arturo Diaz (Class of 1960), Ray Rodriguez (Class of 1962), Edmund Salinas (Class of 1961), and David Arredondo (Class of 1960) were attending a wedding in San Diego on November 23, 1963. Arturo and David were serving in the Navy and were based in San Diego. ArturO; Ray and David have registered to attend the '60s reunion in late September. We haven't heard from Edmund. Have you sent in your registration form? The classes of the 1960s form must be completed and sub- vited and encouraged to attend (1960-1969) will reunite at a re- mitted by those planning to at- the banquet and dance. Children union planned for Sept. 27, 28 tend the reception. After the re- and minors will not be allowed at and 29 in Lordsburg. The classes ception, at 1:00 p.m., all former the banquet. Security guards will of the 1930s, '40s and '50s have students who attended classes in be on duty at the front door and been invited to this special event, the historic Enrichment Center inside the Armory. On Sunday, This is the first time the classes of (Lordsburg's first high school and September 29, starting at 12:00 the 1960s have invited the ear- first junior high school on Penn noon, a hamburger fry will be lier classes to their reunion. On Street between Second and Third held at the Special Events Center the reunion's agenda is registra- Streets), are invited to gather in on west Second Street. The fee to tion for the cla[ses of the '60s front of the building for a group attend the banquet, dance and only, on Friday, September 27, at picture. The building was re- hamburger fry is $70.00 per the Hampton Inn starting at 1:00 cently listed in the New Mexico couple and $45.00 for singles. All p.m., followed by the homecom- State Register of Cultural Prop- the classes of the 1930s, '40s, '50s and '60s are invited to the ing football game at Maverick erties. Stadium at 7:00 p.m. A reception On Saturday evening, a ban- fry. A reunion registration form at the Lordsburg Cafetorium will quet and dance honoring the must be completed to attend the be held on Saturday, September classes of the 1960s will be held reception, banquet, dance and 28, at 9:00 a.m., honoring the at the Lordsburg Armory on east hamburger fry. The form is pub- classes of the 1930s, '40s and Second Street, ' starting at 5:00 lished weekly in the Hidalgo '50s, with registration, music, p.m. with live music, guest County Herald. If you would like food, speakers, and a guest of speaker, guest of honor, and photo a copy of the form mailed or e- honor. Local business man Art slide show to honor the memory mailed to you, call (575) 542- Malott will preside as master of of the deceased classmates of 9716. The completed form and ceremonies. The classes of the 1960 - 1969. The LHS class of reunion fee can be mailed to 324 1960s are also invited to the re- 1963 will be recognized on their West Railway Blvd., Lordsburg, ception. 50th anniversary of graduation NM, 88045, or to the Hidalgo There is no fee to attend the from LHS. The classes of the County Herald, 212 E. Motel reception, however, a registration 1930s, '40s and '50s are also in- " Drive, Lordsburg, NM. celebrate our 7th year in business, this month/ pm,..mICOUPON,m,mm==.=ml m Expires 9130 t3 I I I I i:::E :!HAM UR R: 542-3030 with French Frie , 904 Eost Motel Dr. Lordsbur Additional toppings 45¢ each I HOURS: Closed Mondays I I am mmm • . .. • .