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Hidalgo County Herald
Lordsburg, New Mexico
September 6, 2013     Hidalgo County Herald
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September 6, 2013
Newspaper Archive of Hidalgo County Herald produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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8 HIDALGO COUNTY HERALD FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 2013 LEGAL NOTICE HELP WANTED REAL ESTATE FOR RENT SERVICES YARD SALE BOOK SALE bY famous authors on DISH TV Retailer. Starting at $19.99/ Friday, September 6, 2013 from 9 AM month (for 12 mos.) & High Speed to 4 PM at Menudo's, 216 East Motel Internet starting at $14.95/month FOR RENT: KFC building on Main Drive. There will also be burritos for (where available.) SAVE! Ask About Street. Good location. For information sale. SAME DAY Installation! CALL Now! call 575-313-3247. ltp 1-800-315-70431tp ltp REAL ESTATE FOR SALE YARD SALE: Saturday, September7, ATTENTION SLEEP APNEA SUF- 20138AMto 11 AM. Fourdining room FERERS with Medicare. Get FREE chairs (dark espresso) $75; white- CPAP Replacement Supplies at NO wash desk w/hutch and chair (paid COST, plus FREE home delivery! $500) $250. All excellent condition. Best of all, prevent red skin sores N!ntendo Wii games and Frtboard $35; and bacterial infection! Call 866-938- and much more! 95 Sotol St. For more 5101 l tp information call 575-494-1156. - ........................................... ltp Medical Alert for Seniors - 24/7 moni- ............................................ toring. FREE Equipment. FREE Ship- YARD SALE: Saturday, September 7, ping. Nationwide Service. $29.95/ 8 AM to ?? at 1215 Hardin Street. Month CALL Medical Guardian Today ltp" 888-416-2099 ltp ............................................ NM CONCEALED CARRY CLASSES Licensed Instructors Lordsburg Classroom: Fri. October 11 5:30 to 10and Sat. Oct 12, 7:30-12:30 Range: Sat. October 12 Animas Classroom: Sun. October 13 8:00 - 6:00 Range: Man. October 14 morning (Columbus Day) HELP WANTED $150. Additional $100 due to State of NM within 90 days to receive permit. 50% deposit required by Oct. 01 For Info" John (Lordsburg) 575-644- 9232;Tom (Animas) 575-548-2290; Eve (Co-Instructor) 575-642-4825 or 68evef ' s6/27pcc WANTED TO BUY LEGAL NOTICE PRAYER MEETING CHANGE NOTICE TRUST INTHE LORD For even when we were with you,this we commanded you that if any would not work, neither should he eat. --2 Thessalonians, Chapter 3:10 READYOUR BIBLE Direc'l-V - Over 140 channels only $29.99 a month. Call Now! Triple sav- ings! $636.00 in Savings, Free up- grade to Genie & 2013 NFL Sunday ticket free!! Start saving today! 1-800- 264-0340 ltp SAVE $$$ on AUTO INSURANCE from the majo~ names you know and trust. No forms. No hassle. No obliga- tion. Call READY FOR MY QUOTE now! CALL 1-888-719-6435 ltp Advertise your auction in 33 New Mexico newspapers for only $100. Your 25-word classified ad will reach more than 288,000 readers. Call this newspaper for more details. Or log onto for a list of • participating newspapers. ltp WILL BUY GOLDt Gold jewelry, scrap, broken pieces, dental gold, any condition. 8K-18K. If your not sure, we'll test it for you. Call 575-639-2484 or stop by the Cottage House, 214 East Motel Drive. ltp REAL ESTATE FOR RENT a9/s6p SERVICES YARD WORK: Call 575-313-3247. "Cleanliness is next to Godliness" ltp Canada Drug Center is your choice for safe and affordable medications. Our licensed Canadian mail order pharmacy will provide you with sav- ings of up to 90 percent on all your medication needs. Call today 1-800- 661-3783, for $10.00 off your first prescription and free shipping. ltp SAVE on Cable TV-Internet-Digital Phone-Satellite.You've Got A Choice! Options from ALL major service pro- viders. Call us to learn more! CALL Today. 888-706-8846 ltp FOR RENT: One Studio, fully fur- nished; and one apartment--1 bed- room, bath, kitchen & living room. For information call cell phone 575-313- 2718. a16/s6p FOR RENT: Fumished 1 BR, 1 Bath apartment in Lordsburg. $450/Month (or $500 Fumished) plus utilities. Call 575-388-4361. tfnc FOR RENT: King Arthur's Apart- ments is now taking applications for 1,2 and 3 Bedroom Apartments. NO WAITING LIST! Please pick up appli- cation at 428 W. Gale Street. 575- 542-9336. Se habla Espanol. tfnc NEW LISTINGS! * 2 unimproved lots in Animas Acres * Old Muir House- 3 BD/2 BA, corner lot, fenced yard * 2 BR, 2 Bath home on 3 city lots near school, carport * 2.7 Acres of Commecrcial property on East Motel Drive near +Pilot. Great Location. * Corner of Pyramid & 2nd St., 2368 sq. it,Commercial/ Residential. Great Location. * Approx 7 acres vacant land on Animas St. $37000 Jody Hatch, Broker 575-640-7150 Associate Brokers: Richard Chaires 575-640-6998 George Jackson 575-538-1144 FOR SALE: 3,000 square foot home on 7 acres in Virden, NM. $170k. 5 Bedroom, 3 Bath, 2 car garage. Built in 1999. Call 520-686-0046. A9/o4pcc FOR SALE: 129.85 acres behind the Power Plant in Lordsburg. Call 575- 590-3217. Jy26/s 13p FOR SALE: 846 acres just outside Lordsburg city limits. Call 575-590: 3217: a16/s13p Two neighboring 20 acre ranches each just $12,900 or together for $24,000. Lender repossession. 1 hour 45 minutes southwest of Albu- querque. These ranches previously sold for 3x the new asking price. Re- mote; high dessert setting with good access and electric. Financing avail- able. Call NMRS 1-888-676-6979 ltp NOTICE OFVACANCY ATE OF NOTICE: August 29, 2013 POSITION: Educational Assistant QUALIFICATIONS: High School Di- ploma and Educational Assistant's li- cense (or possess the ability obtain a license). Complete background check. SALARY: Per district salary sched- ule Application Procedures: Request application from District Administra- tion Office: Animas Public Sch. ools P.O. Box 85 Animas, NM 88020 505.548.2299 x 221 Application Deadline: Until filled THE ANIMAS PUBLIC SCHOOL DIS- TRICT IS AN EQUAL OPPORTU- NITY EMPLOYER IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL STATE AND FEDERAL LAWS. s6c ............................................ Sunshine Haven at Lordsburg C.N.A. Positions Full Time C.N.A. positions open for day and night shifts. Shifts are 12 hour shifts. Please contact Daniel Lopez DON at 5756423539 or stop by the facility at 603 Hadeco Dr. Lordsburg NM 88045. A30/s6c ............................................ HELPWANTED Lordsburg Housing Authority is cur- rently accepting applications for Tem- porery Part time Grounds Keeper and Secretary. Applications can be picked up at City Hall, 409 Wabash Street, Lordsburg, NM. Applications will be accepted until Thursday, September 5, 2013 at 4:00 p.m. The Lordsburg Housing Authority is an equal opportunity employer and reserves the right to reject any or all applications. A30/s6c HELP WANTED: Mama Rosa's Pizza is now hiring licensed and insured drivers with vehicles and part time cooks. Apply in person. A30/s6c Hidalgo Medical Services has an im- mediate opening for Custodian in the Lordsburg Clinic. More information available at or call 575-534-0768 or 575-542-2326. EOE M/F HN A30/s6c I . ,,, ,. ! I I I # Restoration # Digital Conversion ¢ Prints-Any Size Posters PRINTING 575.542.8705 Located in the Hidalgo County Iterald HELPWANTED COUNTY OF HIDALGO CodeEnforc:ement Position SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT The City of Lordsburg is now accept- COURT ing applications for the position of No. D-623-CV-2013-00013 Code Enforcement. Job description = THE BANK OF NEW YORK • may be picked up at the Lordsburg MELLON, F/K/ATHE BANK OF NEW City Hall 409 W. Wabash Street. Ap- YORK, AS SUCCESSOR-IN-INTER- plications will be accepted until posi- ESTTO JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, tion is filled. N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR BEAR If you have an application on file you STEARNS ASSET BACKED SECU- may call City Hall (575) 542-3421, and RITIES TRUST 2006-2, ASSET- have your application activated. BACKED CERTIFICATES, SERIES The City of Lordsburg is an equal 2006-2, opportunity employer and reserves Plaintiff, the right to reject any or all applica- vs. tions. RICHARD WEBSTER NKJA RICH- A30/s6cARD T. WEBSTER AND BRANDY ............................................ WEBSTER A/K/A BRANDY K. ¢¢'= FtWNO J Flying JTravel Plaza' Now Hiring Cashiers for 2nd Shift & Graveyard We offer competitive pay, great ben- efits, and a fun work atmosphere. If you want to be part of a winning team then come join us. Only seriously friendly people need apply. The electronic application can be completed at our store. We are also accepting open interviews Tues- Thurs]3etween 2 and 4 p.m. A30/s6 ............................................ Sunshine Haven at Lordsburg is now hiring for hospitality aides and for nurs- ing aides to attend the certified'nurs- ing aide course. If interested please call or come by the facility for an application. 603 Hadeco Dr. Lordsburg NM 88045 5755423539 A30/s6c ............................................ Healthcare Services Group is look- ing for employees in our Dietary de- partment in Lordsburg, NM. Positions are Cook and Diet Aide. Applications are ivailable at Sunshine Haven Nursing Home office. 575-542-3539. a16/s6c Regular Meeting. Date Change Public notice is hereby given that the regular meeting of the City Council and the Housing Authority Commis- sion of the City of Lordsburg, New Mexico scheduled forThursday, Sep- tember 12, 2013 has been changed to Wednesday, September 18, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. A complete agenda will be available 72 hours prior to the meeting. If you need an accommodation of a disability to enable you to fully partici- pate, please contact City Hall 48 hours before the meeting at 575-542-3421. Reminder: if you wish to be placed on the agenda your request must be re- ceived by 5:00 pm on Friday, Sep- tember 13, 2013 /s/Belinda Chavez City Clerk A30/s6c GET CASH WEBSTER, Defendants. NOTICE OF SALE Notice is hereby given that on Sep- tember 12, 2013, at the hour of 4:00 pm the undersigned Special• Master, or her designee, will, at the front en- trance of the Hidalgo county court- house, at 300 Shakespeare Street, Lordsburg, NM 88945, sell all of the rights, title and interest of the above- named Defendants, in and to the here- inafter described real estate to the highest bidder for cash. The prop- erty to be sold is located at 10 Quandel Road, Animas, New Mexico 88020, (if there is a conflict between the legal description and the street address, the legal description shall control) and is more particularly described as fol- lows: A tract of land in the N1/2NE1/4 of Section 19, T. 27S., R. 19 West, N.M.P.M. Hidalgo County, New Mexico, described as follows: Commencing at a point 971 feet East of the NW Comer of the NWl / 4NE1/4 of Section 19, T.27S, R.19W, N.M.P.M.; Thence N89°43' East along the North Section line, a distance of 622.4 feet to a point;Thence S0°02'22" E., a distance of 700 feet to a point; Thence $89°43' W., a distance of 622.4 feet to a point; Thence N0°02'22" W., a distance of 700 feet to the point of begin- ning, including any improvements, fixtures, and attachments, such as, but not limited to, mobile homes. Subject to all taxes, utility liens and other restric- tions and easements of record, and subject to a one (1) month right of redemption by the Defendants upon entry of an order approving sale. The foregoing sale will be made to satisfy a foreclosure judgment rendered by this Court in the above-entitled and numbered cause on August 9,2013, being an action to foreclose a mort- gage on the above-described prop- erty. The Plaintiff's judgment is $105,397.43, and the same bears in- terest at the variable rate of 9.3750%, which accrues at the rate of $27.07 per diem, commencing on June 7, for your Gold jewelry, scrap, broken pieces,, dental, any condition, 8K-I8K 575-639-2484 COTTAQE HOUSE 2 1 4 E. Motel Drive 2013, with the Court reserving ent~ of final judgment against said Defen- dants Richard Webster and Brandy Webster for the amount de after fore- closure sale, for costs and attorney's fees, plus interest as may be as. sessed by the Court. The Plaintiff has the right to bid at such sale all of its judgment amount and submit its bid verbally or in writing. The Plaintiff may apply all or any part of its judgment to the purchase price in lieu of cash The sale may be postponed and re. scheduled at the discretion of the Special Master. The Court's decree, having duly ap. pointed its Special Master to adver. tise and immediately offer for sale the subject real estate and to apply the proceeds of sale, first to the costs d sale and the Special Master's fees, then to pay the above-described jud~- ment, interest, and costs of sale, and to pay unto the registry of the Cout any balance remaining to satisfy fu- ture adjudication of priority mortgag,= holders; NOW, THEREFORE, notice is hereb; given that in the event that said prop erty is not sooner redeemed, the ur- dersigned will as set forth above, o'- fer for sale and sell to the highest bic- der for cash or equivalent, the lan~ and improvements described abo~ for the purpose of satisfying, in tl'~ adjudged order of priorities, the judl- ment described herein and decree 0f foreclosure together witfi any add- tional costs and attorney's fees, coss of advertisement and pubtication,a reasonable receiver and Special Master's fee to be fixed by the Cout The total amount of the judgment die is $105,397.43, plus interest to aid including date of sale of $2,652.86 br a total judgment plus interest ~f $108,050.29. Sale is subject to tie entry of an order of the Court appr(~- ing the terms and conditions of tits sale. Witness my hand this 13m day:)f August, 2013. /s/ Bernadette F. Gutierrez- Electronically Fikd BERNADETTE F. GUTIERREE, Special Mast}r PO Box 91918 Albuquerque, NM 87199-1918 Telephone: (505) 433-45,6 Facsimile: (505) 433-45"7 E-mail: bemadette @ ancillaryls.cEn a 16/s~c MEETING RE-SCHEDULED The regular monthly meeting for he Hidalgo Soil & Water Conservatbn District has been rescheduled or September 10, 2013 at 4pm atbe Lordsburg District Office, 405 Dune.n Hwy. This change in schedule is ~)r September only. Meetings for ~t, Nov, and Dec will continue to be :)n the 3rd Tuesday of every mon:h. Please call the District Office at 5;5- 542-9141 with any questions. "tc /4 q 1-2-3 Bedroom Apartments I 600 Ownby Street, Lordsburg [ Newly Remodeled Units I Call Har[iet at I 575.557 2444 Have You Been Looking,For A Professional, Team Oriented Company To Call Home? Are You Self Motivated, Detail Oriented, And Take Pride In Your Work? If You Answered Ves To These Questions, Ryan's Express Transport, Is Looking For You!! Come Join A "Team" Where What Is Written On Our Equipment Is What Is In Our Heart, "Operated With PRIDE" We Are Currently Accepting Applications For: Full Time & Part Time Class A or B CDL Drivers W/Passenger Endorsement In The Following Areas' Safford, Clifton, Duncan, Lordsburg Ryan's Express Transport Is The Southwest's Leader In Motor Coach Tours And Passenger Transportation. We Have A Long History Of Safe, Courteous, on Time, And Reliable Transportation. Please Call (928) 432-6940 Or 800-999-7191 For More Information And To Apply Todayl! Ryan's Express Transport Is An EOE, With Locations In Saff0rd, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, And San Diego.