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"As I Remember" by Allen "Hook" Hill
Editor's Note: Long-
time Lordsburg resi-
dent, historian, story-
teller and poet Allen
Hook" Hill has written
hundreds of stories 'and
poems• Back in the
1980s he began writing
a column en'titled "As I
Remember." With his
permission, these col-
umns have been dusted
off and will appear in Allen
the Hidalgo County
Herald from time to time. Hook,
who is 92, still lives in Lordsburg.
This column appeared in the
Lordsburg Liberal on January
26, 1990.
Whether or not we like it, fail-
ures take equal billing in our lives
along with successes. It was
meant to be that way. Most ev-
eryone I know has experienced
both sides of the coin al.ready.
Those who have not had the plea-
sure, particularly of the hard
knocks, will have the opportu-
nity. Believe it. Since this is a
fact of life it is necessary that we
face the situation head on, deal
with it, write about it, read about
it and live with it. To use a trite
phrase, nobody t01d us this earth
life would be a bed of soft roses.
He who gave us life also told us
about the thorns. If we are smart
we Can make those thorns work
for us in building character and
enhancing growth.
I have experienced many
failures, particularly as a youth,
[which] surely must have contfib-
uted to growth,
though I've had a
hard time trying to
measure the results.
One of the first I re-
member was the case
of my dad's expen-
sive fountain pen.
Back in those
early days of my fife
there was no such
thing as a ballpoint
Hook Hill pen. Writing with
ink was accom-
plished by dipping an old straight
quill type pen into an inkwell--
yes, the same inkwell we dipped
the gals' pigtails in--or, if you
could afford it, by means of a
fountain pen. For you younger
readers, a fountain pen had a rub-
ber tube inside that filled up like
an eyedropper. The ink then
came out as the pen was drawn
across the paper. Sometimes the
ink came out in blobs and ruined
the paper but that is beside the
point. Good fountain pens were
expensive. My dad had a beauty
that had been given to him by
someone from the "wealthy" side
of the family.
One day I sneaked the foun-
tain pen out of the house and took
it to school. I suppose I took it to
show the other kids how affluent
I was, in spite of the fact that no
such word existed in my vocabu-
lary at the time. I wouldn't have
known what it meant if there had
been such a word, and it wouldn't
have fit me anyway. However,
after spending the day impress-
ing people in my third-or fourth-
grade class I was walking home
from school with an older boy to
whom I decided to give the full
As we walked along I sud-
denly reached down behind a
rock and "picked up" the pen and
exclaimed, "Look what I found!"
Instead of being impressed,
he immediately said, "Yeah, I
know, and I lost it this morning
on the way to school" I desper-
ately tried to reason with him but
he would have none of that. He
grabbed "his" pen from me and
took off for home.
Have you ever tried to ex-
plain such a dilemma to your.par-
ents? Well, I put it off for several
days but the issue finally surfaced
when my dad needed the pen for
something or other and began
putting the pressure on each of
us kids regarding its whereabouts.
Pinned down I told th.e whole
story, in great humility, I might
add. My dad sent me over tq the
boy's house to get the pen but the
boy wouldn"t give it back to me.
I have a stinking suspicion there
is some of the "growth" theory
mixed in there someplace.
My dad blew his lid and
Went over and retrieved the pen
but when he got it home he found
it was damaged. Instead of writ-
ing smoothly as it had done be-
fore, the pen now gave off big
blobs of ink at intervals.
Off came the belt and I was
administered some additional
growth promoting medicine but
for the life of me I couldn't detect
it at the time.
hook june @
Highlight of "Chiriq
Courtesy submission
Most of the ~olks living in
the small communities nestled in
t-he.,C.hiricahua and Peloncitlo
mountain ranges along the south-
etn New Mexico-Arizona state
line have come to expect com-
pelling presentations on local
culture and nature at the region's
annual "Heritage Days" events.
This year is no exception,
with a keynote event on Friday
evening, September 6 at the
Chiricahua Event Center in Ro-
deo, NM certain to attract the at-
tehtion of anyone interested in the
area's rich Chiricahua Apache
history; featuring the regional
premier showing of Pascal
Enjady's full-length feature film
documentary "The Two-Year
Promise." The film event is free
to all.
The acclaimed film, with its
amazing collection of 28 years
to be
worth of interviews with the last
surviving members of the
Chiricahua People and historic
photos of tribal culture, also de-
scribes the trickery and deceit
used by the U.S. government to
lure the Apaches to distant intern-
ment and cultural disarray.
Heritage Days, now in its 5th
year, is anticipated by ,many resi-
dents as one of the region's few
traditional, large-scale 'public
gatherings. The rural landscapes
surrounding the Chiricahua and
Peloncillo Mountains are re-
nowned for their natural and cul-
tural heritage, and this year's pre-
sentations will continue to show-
case the important co-depen-
dence that wildlife, open space,
cultural heritage, regional com-
munity history, and private lands
all have in preserving overall
community health.
On September 7, the event
I ~ Buildings can De seen at
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• Arthritis
film debut
features free expert presentations
by scientists, ranchers, artisans,
conservationists and historians,
all focused around Aldo
Leopold's famous land ethic --
that a community is not truly
whole until it embraces all its
"members," including people,
wildlife, land, air and water. Also
included are a farmer's market,
crafts fair, workshops for kids, and
an on-site buffet lunch ($8). Sep-
tember 8 activities include Field
Day hikes to rock art, archaeo-
logical sites and important bio-
logical sites in the Peloncillo and
Chiricahua Mountains guided by
sponsors Friends of Cave Creek
Canyon and Chiricahua Regional
"The best thing about Heri-
tage Days," says event organizer
Kim Vacariu, "is that it attracts a
cross-section of people with dif-
ferent politics and ideologies--
together celebrating the fact that
we have a great chance to main-
tain this worldclass region as a
very healthy place for business~
culture and nature."
For more information, con-
tact 520-558-0165 or visit
Heritage Days Schedule (all
events at Chiricahua Event Cen-
ter, Rodeo, NM):
Sept. 6: Keynote Film Pre-
sentation & Reception (5:30-
7:30 p.m. AZ Time)
Sept. 7: Presentations, Crafts
Fair, Farmer's MarkeL Kids Work-
shop (9-5 AZ)
Sept. 8: Guided Field Day
Excursions in Chiricahua and
Peloncillo Mountains.
Weekly Inspiration
little thank you from me to you for your kindness and
support during the Labor Day Mud Volleyball Tournament.
Special thanks to:
Lordsburg Elks LodgeBenny Artiaga
Morn & Glenda GreeneEdgar Gomez
Q Brenda Hood Grandma Alice
Debbie Greene, Julie Montenegro
Stephanie Helbig Larry Martinez
Mr. & Mrs. Piper Dad
Tyler Massey Courtney DeFoor
Armando ResalesRiley Allen
Special thanks to everyone who played and watched the tournament.
All proceeds will help fund my trip to Florida in December Where Thank y u,
I will have the privilege of cheering in the Capital One Bowl.
- Jessiea Sane ez
AHS Panthers beat
Roy Longhorns 90-54
The Animas High School Pan-
thers' 6-man football team trav-
eled to Roy/Wagon Mound, New
Mexico last week to kick off
their 2013 season, where they
• beat the Longhorns 90-54. The
Panthers will travel to Duncan
onThursday to take on the Wild-
cats at 6 p.m.
Photos courtesy
Hidatgo Count),
212 E. Motel Drive Suite B
Lordsburg, NM88045
............ .............
City, State, Zip
Lordsburg High School Classes
1960- 1969
The Lordsburg High School 1960s Reunion Cornmittee is holding a reunion for the classes of 1960 through 1969, in Lordsburg,
NM, on Sept, 27. 28, and 29, 2013. The classes of the 1930s, '40s and '50s are invited. Former Classmates from these decades are
invited regardless if they graduated from LHS.
Registration will be held at the Hampton Inn, the reunion's headquarters, starting at h00p.m., Friday, September 27, followed
by the homecoming fbotball game at Maverick Stadium at 7:00 p.m.
The classes of the 1930s, '40 and '50s ~ill be honored at a reception on Saturday, September 28 at 9:00 a.m., at Lordsburg
Cafetorium, with music, a guest of honor and speakers from each decade. The Classes of the 1960s are also invited to'attend the
reception• There is no fee to attend the reception.
A banquet and dance will be held on Saturday night at 5:00 p.m., at the Armor), on Second Street with a guest of honor, guest
speakers, picture taking, a special tribute to the~deceased "60s classmates, recognition of the 50th anniversary of the Class of t963,
and lots of rein iniscing.
On Sunday. September 29, enjoy a hamburger fry at the Special Events Center on Second St. from 12:00 noon to 2:00 p,m,
Complete the registration form below. Indicate if you plan to attend the reception, banquet, dance or hamburger fry and
return it with your fee no later than August 27, 2013. Your fee will help pay for reunion expenses.
Register, send in ),our fee, and come back to Lordsburg and reconnect with old friends and classmates!
Name (include maiden name if applicable)
Class Year (regardless if you graduated)
Telephone number (best number to reach you)•
Cit~ State Zip
E-mail Address
Reunion tee- $65.00 per couple
$40.00 for singles
Make checks payable to Sixties 2013 Reunion Commluee.
Mail check and form to 324 W. Railway Blvg, Lordsburg, NM 88045.
Number attending the reception honoring the 1930s, '40s and '50s•
Number attending the ~60s banquet and dance•
Number attending the hamburger fry•
Hampton Inn of Lordsburg ($79.00 per night)
412 Wabash St., Lordsburg
(575) 542-8900
Comfort Inn & Suites ($69.99 per night)
400 W. Wabash St., Lordsburg
(575) 542-3355
Days Inn & Suites ($60.00 per night)
1426 W. Motel Drive, I.ordsburg
(575) 542-3600
Optional'. Yes, I would like to support the restoration of the historic old Lordsburg Junior High School
Eticlosed is my donation of $